рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
No.4(28),2021, Part 2
Advantages of underwater development of fields
D.G. Bobov, Ch.S. Guseynov
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The present study aims to show the advantage of underwater vehicles compared to traditional platforms in terms of material consumption, size and loads. For this purpose, the analysis of existing gravity structures operated in ice conditions and on the shelf of the Norwegian Sea was carried out. Based on the performed analysis, the modeling of gravity bases for depths from 20 to 260 m was carried out, taking into account external loads and the fulfillment of the condition of stability of the soil base. The modeling of the hull of an underwater drilling rig was carried out and the strength calculation of the hull of the structure from the action of hydrostatic pressure at a depth of 200 m was performed. The obtained results of the wall thicknesses of the underwater vehicle hull set indicate the possibility of manufacturing such a structure. The data obtained as a result of modeling made it possible to compare the mass, dimensions and loads on underwater and surface structures. The findings suggest that the use of underwater vehicles for the development of deep-sea deposits in the Arctic is preferable to traditional offshore platforms.
Key words:
underwater drilling rig; advantages of underwater development; comparison of different types of development; GBS modeling; modeling of underwater drilling unit
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D.G. Bobov, Habilitation candidates, National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University»
65, Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation
E-mail: dmitry_bobov@mail.ru
Ch.S. Guseinov, Doctor of technical science, Professor, Oil and gas research Institute RAS
3, Gubkin st., Moscow, 119333, Russian Federation.
E-mail: guseinov2@yandex.ru
For citation:
D.G. Bobov, Ch.S. Guseynov Preimushhestva podvodnogo osvoenija mestorozhdenij [Advantages of underwater development of fields]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(28), Part 2, 2021. pp. 406-422. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2021.3.406-422 (in Russian)