рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Publishing Policies of the Neftyanaya Provintsiya
A single-blind peer review method is mandatory for processing of all scientific manuscripts submitted to the editorial office of Neftyanaya Provintsiya.
Authors are asked to submit papers to the executive editor of the Neftyanaya Provintsiya at vkro-raen@yandex.ru. Papers accepted by the Neftyanaya Provintsiya must not have been published elsewhere. The subject matter of the paper shall fall within the topics covered by the Neftyanaya Provintsiya. The paper shall be submitted with a filled-in form available at the website. The authors shall understand such submission as an acceptance of a public publishing offer. A public publishing offer is available at the website.
We do not have limit for the number of papers submitted by one author for publication in an issue of the Neftyanaya Provintsiya.
Within three (3) days, the executive editor shall review the submitted paper for the conformance to the criteria for publication available at the website.
In case the submitted paper does not meet the criteria for publication, the author will be provided with a suggestion on how to improve the paper to be accepted by the Neftyanaya Provintsiya. If the submitted paper meets the criteria for publication, it is forwarded to the deputy chief editor. Papers are published in the order of precedence. If the paper is returned to the author for revision, the date of submission will be the date of resubmission of the revised paper.
All papers submitted for publication, must undergo peer review.
All peer reviewers shall be qualified scientific experts in the same discipline as the author and have their own papers in same area of investigation published within the recent three (3) years. The deputy chief editor is responsible for picking reviewers. Reviewers may be selected among the author’s colleagues who work in the same company as the author.
All submitted papers shall be reviewed within fourteen (14) days.
All reviewers are informed that the submitted paper is the author’s intellectual property and is treated as confidential information that must not be disclosed. The reviewers are not permitted to make copies of the reviewed paper. Confidentiality can only be breached in case of notice of invalidation or falsification of the submitted materials. The author of the reviewed paper is allowed to read the review, however the reviewer’s identity is withheld from the author.
The review that recommends publication of the submitted paper shall have well-reasoned arguments that the reviewed paper presents significant new information and is considered appropriate to be published in the Neftyanaya Provintsiya.
The reviewer shall submit his/her review to the executive editor, sign it and fill out the date of review.
The review remains deposited in the Neftyanaya Provintsiya library for five (5) years.
The editorial board shall take a decision on publication of the submitted paper, or reverting the paper to the author for revision and improvement considering the reviewer’s comments and suggestions and the following resubmission, or declining the paper.
Within seven (7) days, the executive editor shall forward to the author(s) of the submitted paper and to the expert board of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles (in case there is a relevant request from the State Commission) an abstract of decision of the editorial board about the submitted paper with the reviews’ copies attached. Any identifying information about reviewers shall be deleted from the document; the identity of the reviewer shall not be disclosed to the author.