рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Guidelines for paper submission
Authors are invited to submit papers for publication as email attachment to: vkro-raen@yandex.ru
Required items:
Application from author(s) (application template), please provide contact details.
Recommendation of academic advisor (for post-graduate students).
Abstract (It is important that the abstract be a brief and meaningful description of your paper), please provide an abstract of 100 to 150 words (in Russian and English).
Key words (include 10 to 15 words) (in Russian and English).
Author(s) information (last, first and middle names in Russian with transliteration; academic degree, academic title, job position, name of organization, address (country, city) (in Russian and English), e-mail or Internet site). Telephone number (corresponding author). Author(s) information can further include International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI), Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) and other author IDs.
Submit Full-text paper meeting the requirements of the Publishing Policies of the Neftyanaya Provintsiya Journal. Provide the title of the paper in Russian and in English. Authors are requested to indicate the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) Code.
Length, fonts, font sizes and line spacing
We do not have limits for paper length.
Submit paper in Microsoft Word, font – Times New Roman, font size – 14, line spacing – 1.5, text formatting – breadthwise; left margin -3 cm, top and bottom margins – 2.5 cm, right margin – 2 sm. Paper size — А4.
The authors are asked to present the text, figures, tables and captions both within the manuscript file and as separate files.
Describe all parameters represented in each equation. Parameter description is required only once a parameter appears for the first time.
It is desirable that complex mathematical expressions be created in equation editor.
Write simple equations in Word.
Present figures in Word, Excel, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, PowerPoint, CorelDRAW.
Make sure that the resolution of JPG and TIF images and photographs is at least 300 dpi.
Make sure that your images appear sharp.
Provide a clear and concise caption for each figure.
Identify and describe all figure elements.
The Editorial Board has the right to ask the authors to correct/adjust the original illustrations to the paper in case of poor quality of submitted images.
Provide tables in Word or Excel, pictures are not permitted.
Further recommendations for presenting tables and figures
Make sure that all figures and tables are labeled with numbered captions and included in the manuscript text. All figures and tables must be referred to in your written discussion.
Figures should not duplicate the same information found in tables and vice versa.
Provide all data in SI units (for example, MPa for pressure, mPa⋅s for viscosity, µm2 for permeability and so on).
To create your REFERENCES please follow citation style guides specified in Russian GOST 7.0.5-2008. Bibliographic reference. General requirements and rules (Annex 2).
It is advisable that your reference list include up to 15 sources.
For in-text citations use brackets to enclose only the number of publication as listed in the reference list:
For Russian-language publications, please provide all references in the original Cyrillic alphabet, transliterate into Latin and translate into English.
Appropriate citations for papers published in the Neftyanaya Provintsiya Journal are provided in paper description: particularly, section "For citation" in the English version of the site.
For citation:
Elesin A.V., Kadyirova A.Sh., Nikiforov A.I. Identifikatsiya polya pronitsaemosti plasta s ispol'zovaniem razlichnykh tipov approksimatsii v zadache odnofaznoy statsionarnoy fil'tratsii zhidkosti [Identification of formation permeability field using different approximation types in single-phase steady-state flow problem]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(13), 2018. pp. 1‑11. https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2018.1.1-11 (in Russian)