рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
A.S. Pitirimov, V.A. Kurinov, L.B. Khuzina, R.R. Khuzin, I.F. Khalitov
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The article is devoted to the implementation at PJSC "Tatneft" project "Seal grid development", in which in early 2019 before the Office for well construction the task was to drill two horizontal wells at Vanaskie deposits with the length of the horizontal wells 650m and 800m. Distinctive feature is: a large offset to an entry point more than 600m, offset by downhole point – more than 1200m; a relatively small depth vertically 830м; a significant number of previously drilled wells with a high risk of crossing ;the presence of an operational column of packers in the equipment for multi-stage fracturing.
Especially given the profile design to minimize the risk of intersection with nearby wells, and examines the process of the descent of the production casing, is complicated not only a large length of the well bore and the horizontal section, and in a snap 9 packers to conduct multi-zone fracturing. To reduce the bending forces on the drill string and the likelihood of a "buckling" effect, it was decided to deviate from traditional design methods, when the initial vertical section is timed to the depth of the conductor's descent. An unconventional solution was used for the descent of the production column – the descent in the "flotation" mode without filling the column with washing liquid and without intermediate flushing during descent, while the low hydrostatic pressure did not exceed the pressure of the casing collapse. This solution made it possible to reduce the pressure on the well walls at the installation site of packers by 3‑6 times during the descent of the production column. Thus, in PJSC Tatneft, the well construction Department solved the problem of drilling a horizontal well into the Verey deposits. Thanks to engineering and technological support of construction, calculations in a specialized software package and round-the-clock monitoring without the use of expensive specialized equipment. The effective length of the productive part was 99% of the total length of the horizontal trunk.
Key words:
horizontal wells, well profile, the descent of the column, Nadolny module
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A.S. Pitirimov, Head of the directional drilling sector and drilling modes; Deputy Head of the Department of Technology and Engineering of the Well Construction Department of PJSC TATNEFT
75, Lenin st., Almetyevsk, 423400, Russian Federation
E-mail: PitirimovAS@tatneft.ru
V.A. Kurinov, Leading engineer-technologist of the NNB and RB sector of the technology and engineering department of the Well Construction Department of PJSC TATNEFT
75, Lenin st., Almetyevsk, 423400, Russian Federation
E-mail: KurinovVA@tatneft.ru
L.B. Khuzina, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Oil and Gas Well Drilling, SBEI HE Almetyevsk State Oil Institute, Branch of FSBEI HE Ufa State Oil Technical University in Oktyabrsky
2, Lenin st., Almetyevsk, 423450, Russian Federation
E-mail: lhyzina@yandex.ru
R.R. Khuzin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, General Director of Karbon-Oil LLC
25, Surgut st., Almetyevsk, 423450, Russian Federation
E-mail: karbon@tatais.ru
I.F. Halitov, Student, Branch of FSBEI HE of the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University in Oktyabrsky
54а, Devon st., Oktyabrsky, 452620, Russian Federation
E-mail: khalitov.i@yandex.ru
For citation:
A.S. Pitirimov, V.A. Kurinov, L.B. Khuzina, R.R. Khuzin, I.F. Khalitov Burenie skvazhin s vysokoj protyazhennost'yu gorizontal'nogo stvola na verejskie otlozheniya po proektu «Uplotnenie setki razrabotki» [Drilling of wells with a high horizontal bore length on Verey deposits under the project «Compaction of the development grid»]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(21), 2020. pp. 17-28. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2020.1.17-28 (in Russian)