рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Gennadiy Romanov is a prominent scientist specializing in the areas of organic chemistry, petrochemistry, and geochemistry.
He graduated from the Ulyanov (Lenin) Kazan State University in 1968 with specialization in high molecular weight compounds chemistry. Prof. Romanov has had a distinguished career in petrochemistry and many years of diverse industry experience. After graduation, he started his career as a junior research fellow at the Kazan State University, the Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry–Kazan Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. At that time, he studied part-time for his PhD under the supervision of A.N. Pudovik, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences and I.V. Konovalova, Dr.Sc. (Chemistry).
In 1973, he passed his PhD thesis with a cum laude degree, and thirteen years later, his doctorate on studies of organic hydridophosphines and their reactions. G.V. Romanov is well known by his works on the chemistry of organoelemental compounds resulting in discovery of new reactions and rearrangements accompanied by preserving or changing of phosphorus atom, and obtaining of previously unknown substances and compositions that found application in hydrocarbon production processes, as well as in medical industry.
In the position of the head of petroleum chemistry laboratory, which he took in 1981 (the petroleum chemistry and geochemistry laboratory since 2002), G.V. Romanov focused on the chemical and geochemical issues of heavy oil and natural bitumen, problems of extraction and usage of unconventional oil reserves, ecological aspects of heavy oil reserves development, thus, starting up a conceptually new area of research of chemistry and geochemistry of produced hydrocarbons. His team has developed new methods to obtain valuable high-quality products from heavy oil and bitumen, as well as chemical methods to enhance oil production.
Between 1998 and 2008, G.V. Romanov held concurrently positions of Deputy General Director for Research in Oil Recovery at OAO NII Neftepromkhim and Head of Laboratory at the Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry.
He was closely involved in organization of all-USSR, all-Russia, and international conferences dedicated to the problems of integrated development of heavy oil reserves held in Kazan, took a direct part in preparation of required documents for Tatarstan to join the UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research) Centre for Heavy Crude and Tar Sands. This happened in 1995. Prof. Romanov is an accomplished speaker at numerous conferences and forums both domestically and internationally (Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Canada, China). He worked on the offshore oil rigs in Vietnam, took part in EOR field operations in the Ural-Volga region, West Siberia, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan.
He was involved in development of scientific foundation of a number of high-performance IOR methods, including technologies for heavy oil reserves development that have undergone successful pilot tests. Also, he offered concrete solutions to improve recovery from carbonate reservoirs and natural bitumen accumulations. He has developed preparations and materials for medical industry that have been put into full-scale production.
In 2013, Prof. Romanov initiated signing of the contract between the Kazan Federal University (KFU) and the Arbuzov Institute of Organic and Physical Chemistry to set up a joint specialized department of petroleum chemistry at the Institute, for practical training of KFU students. Under his supervision, 12 PhD and 5 doctoral theses have been defended.
Prof. Romanov holds about 100 inventor's certificate and patents for inventions, he is an author of over 600 technical papers and articles and co-author of 6 monographs. He has served as an expert of the State Corporation of Nanotechnologies, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, member of several academic councils and editorial boards. He is a corresponding member of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (1995) and a full member of the International Informatization Academy (1995).
Prof. Romanov was awarded the USSR badges of distinction “Medal of VDNKh (Exhibition of National Economy Achievements)” and “Inventor of the USSR”. In 1995, he was awarded a title of Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tatarstan. He is Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of Science and Engineering (1997), holder of Medal “In Memory of the 1000th Anniversary of Kazan”. For his exceptional contribution to sciences, the Russian Academy of Sciences awarded to Prof. Romanov the Nobel Laureate P.L. Kapitsa Medal of Honor and the V.I. Vernadsky Silver Medal of Honor.
Selected publications
Romanov G.V. On Tatarstan targeted program of integrated development of heavy oil and natural bitumen reserves of the Republic of Tatarstan. Georesursy, No. 4, 2012. pp. 34-36.
Romanov G.V., Muslimov R.Kh., Petrova L.M., Yusupova T.N., Kayukova G.P. Basic studies of chemistry and geochemistry of residual oils and natural bitumen, and their importance for oil industry. Georesursy, No. 3(39), 2011. pp. 32-36.
Yusupova T.N., Ganeeva Yu.M., Romanov G.V., Barskaya E.E. Physicochemical processes in productive oil reservoirs. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 2015. 412 p.
Kayukova G.P., Romanov G.V., Lukyanova R.G., Sharipova N.S. Organic geochemistry of sedimentary rock mass and basement on the Tatarstan territory. Moscow, GEOS Publ., 2009. 495 p.
Romanov G.V., Petrova L.M., Lifanova E.V., Ibatullin R.R., Glumov I.F. Assessment of waterflooding effect on composition and properties of oil. Problemy ekologicheskoj khimii Respubliki Tatarstan, Iss. No. 1, 1998. Kazan, Eco-Centre.
Ganeeva Yu.M., Yusupova T.N., Romanov G.V. Asphaltene nanoaggregate: structure, phase transformations, effect on properties of petroleum systems. Uspekhi khimii, No. 10, Vol. 80, 2011. pp.1034-1050.
Kayukova G.P., Romanov G.V., Muslimov R.Kh., Lebedev N.P., Petrov G.A. Chemistry and geochemistry of the Permian bitumen in Tatarstan. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1999. 304 p.
Kurbskiy G.P., Kayukova G.P., Gabitova R.K., Romanov G.V., Nigmedzyanova L.Z., Mutalapova R.I. Characteristics of bitumen occurring in the western regions of Tatariya. Geologiya nefti i gaza, No. 10, 1991. pp.31-34
Muslimov R.Kh., Ibatullin R.R., Romanov G.V., Smelkov V.M., Petrova L.M. Methods to recover residual oil reserves of waterflooded reservoirs. Geologiya nefti i gaza, No.10, 1998. pp.46-52
Fahretdinov P.S., Foss L.E., Romanov G.V. Functionally substituted polyammonium compounds–polymers’ hydrophilizators reduce scaling on downhole equipment. Neftekhimiya, No. 6, 2011. pp. 414-419.
Galimov P.A., Krivonozhkina L.B., Abushaeva V.V., Romanov G.V. Patterns of distribution of vanadium, nickel and their porphyrinic complexes in petroleum components. Neftekhimiya, No. 2, Vol. 30, 1990. pp. 170-174.
Ugryumov O.V., Varnavskaya O.A., Vasyukov SI., Romanov G.V. Coke-chemical feed-based phosphorous- and nitrogen-containing corrosion inhibitors for oilfild equipment. Koks I khimiya No. 6, 2009. pp. 41-45.
Ganeeva Y.M., Yusupova T.N., Romanov G.V., Bashkirtseva, N.Y. Phase composition of asphaltenes //Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. -2014. -Vol.115. -N.2, -Р. 1593-1600.
Kayukova G.P., Gubaidullin A.T., Petrov S.M., Romanov G.V., Petrukhina N.N., Vakhin A.V. Changes of Asphaltenes’ Structural Phase Characteristics in the Process of Conversion of Heavy Oil in the Hydrothermal Catalytic System. Energy and Fuels, American Chemical Society 2016, 30, Pages.773-783
Yusupova, T.N., Ganeeva, Y.M., Okhotnikova, E.S., Romanov, G.V. The use of thermal analysis methods for monitoring the development of bitumen reservoirs using thermal recovery technologies // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Volume 131, Issue 2, 2018, Pages 1405-1411.
Gennadiy Romanov
Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia
Corresponding Member
Academic rank: Professor
Degree: Dr.Sc. (Chemistry)
SCOPUS Author ID: 7101632123
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8279-9199
Telephone: +7(960)041-14-31
Email: v-ing@mail.ru