рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Contribution of R.G. Abdulmazitov to the development of Tatarstan oil industry and its scientific heritage
R.Z. Mukhametshin
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The Article, Dedicated to the Memory (75th Birthday) of the Outstanding Scientist and Inventor, Considers his Achievements in the Development Design, Analysis of the Development of Hard-To-Recover Oil Reserves in the Tatarstan Oil Fields and the Creation of Effective Technologies for this
Key words:
Outstanding Scientist, Inventor, Anniversary, Oil Field, Production Facility, Hard-To-Recover Reserves, Flooding, Pilot Work, Complex Reservoir, Low-Productivity Formation, Optimization Of Well Pattern Density, Merits, Achievements
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Khisamov R.S., Ibatullin R.R., Abdulmazitov R.G. et all. Ispol'zovaniye informatsionnykh tekhnologiy dlya sovershenstvovaniya sistemy razrabotki i kontrolya za razrabotkoy na mestorozhdeniyakh OAO «Tatneft'» [Use of information technologies for perfection of system of Tatneft oao deposits development and development control]. Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo [Oil Industry], 2006, No. 10. pp. 46-49. (in Russian)
Abdulmazitov R.G., Latifullin F.M., Blinov A.F. et all. Analiz geologicheskogo stroyeniya i tekhnologicheskikh pokazateley razrabotki plastov devonskikh gorizontov Romashkinskogo i Novo-Yelkhovskogo mestorozhdeniy na osnove ARM «Lazurit» [Analysis of the geological structure and technological indicators of the development of the Devonian horizons of the Romashkinskoye and Novo-Elkhovskoye fields based on the Lazurit automated workplace]. Bol'shaya neft': realii, problemy, perspektivy: Trudy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii [Big oil: realities, problems, prospects: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference]. Almetievsk, 2001. Vol. I. pp. 40–42. (in Russian)
Abdulmazitov R.G., Nasybullin A.B., Petukhov A.G., Akhmetov N.Z. Tekhnologiya postroyeniya geologo-tekhnologicheskikh modeley neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy Tatarstana [Technology of geological-technological modeling of Tatarstan petroleum deposits]. Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo [Oil Industry], 2003, No. 8. pp. 75-79. (in Russian)
Razzhivin D.A., Abdulmazitov R.G. Vyyavleniye geologicheskikh tel po trekhmernoy modeli ob"yekta razrabotki dlya proyektirovaniya metodov uvelicheniya nefteotdachi [Geological bodies revealing on three-dimensional model of object of development for oil recovery increase methods design]. Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo [Oil Industry], 2004, No. 10. pp. 51-53. (in Russian)
Abdulmazitov R.G., Nasybullin A.V., Lifant'yev A.V., Sidorova S.V. Osobennosti postroyeniya geologicheskoy modeli na pozdney stadii razrabotki Romashkinskogo mestorozhdeniya [Features of construction of geological model at a late stage of development of Romashkinskoye oil field]. Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo [Oil Industry], 2007, No. 7. pp. 66-68. (in Russian)
Abdulmazitov R.G., Nasybullin A.V., Sattarov R.Z. et all. Razrabotka tekhnologiy postroyeniya spetsial'nykh geologicheskikh kart neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy [Development of technologies of special geological oilfield maps construction]. Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo [Oil Industry], 2008, No. 10. pp. 44-46. (in Russian)
Abdulmazitov R.G., Nasybullin A.V., Sattarov R.Z., Kandaurova G.F. Osobennosti modelirovaniya razrabotki karbonatnykh otlozheniy zalezhey 301 - 303 Romashkinskogo mestorozhdeniya [Features of modeling the development of carbonate deposits of deposits 301 - 303 of the Romashkinskoye field]. Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo [Oil Industry], 2005, No. 7. pp. 50-51. (in Russian)
Abdulmazitov R.G., Nasybullin A.V., Latifullin F.M., Smirnov S.V. Avtomatizirovannyy poisk resheniy po usovershenstvovaniyu sistemy razrabotki neftyanogo mestorozhdeniya [Automated search for solutions to improve the oil field development system]. Nauchnyye trudy TatNIPIneft' [Scientific works of TatNIPIneft]. Moscow: VNIIOENG, 2008. pp. 78–85. (in Russian)
Abdulmazitov R.G., Nasybullin A.V., Sattarov R.Z. et all. Programmnyy produkt po sostavleniyu tekhniko-ekonomicheskogo obosnovaniya razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy [Development of program product on geology-economic assessment of oil fields]. Burenie i Neft [Drilling and oil], 2009, Nos. 7-8. pp. 64-68. (in Russian)
Abdulmazitov R.G. Osnovnyye itogi vypolneniya III General'noy skhemy razrabotki i printsipy razrabotki zalezhey po gorizontam DI i D0 Romashkinskogo neftyanogo mestorozhdeniya (IV General'naya skhema razrabotki) [The main results of the implementation of the III General Development Scheme and the principles of development of deposits along the horizons DI and D0 of the Romashkinskoye oil field (IV General Development Scheme)]. Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo [Oil Industry], 2003, No. 8. pp. 104-107. (in Russian)
Abdulmazitov R.G. Povysheniye effektivnosti razrabotki zalezhey nefti s trudnoizvlekayemymi zapasami: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra tekhn. nauk. [Improving the efficiency of the development of oil deposits with hard-to-recover reserves: dr. abstract. of disser.]. Ufa, 2004. 52 p. (in Russian)
Khasanov Ya.Z., Abdulmazitov R.G. Novyye geologo-fizicheskiye sposoby razrabotki zalezhey nefti s trudnoizvlekayemymi zapasami [New geological and physical methods of developing oil deposits with hard-to-recover reserves] // Vysokovyazkiye nefti, prirodnyye bitumy i ostatochnyye nefti razrabatyvayemykh mestorozhdeniy: tr. nauch.-praktich. konfer. VI Mezhdunar. spetsializirovannoy vystavki «Neft', gaz-99», g. Kazan', 8-9 sent. 1999 g. [High-viscosity oils, natural bitumens and residual oils of developed fields: tr. scientific-practical. conf. VI Intern. specialized exhibition "Oil, gas-99", Kazan, 8-9 September. 1999]. Vol. 2. Kazan: Ecocenter, 1999. pp. 329–332. (in Russian)
Khisamov R.S., Frolov A.I., Abdulmazitov R.G. et all. Pervyye rezul'taty opytno-promyshlennykh rabot po paroteplovomu vozdeystviyu na Ashal'chinskom mestorozhdenii [The first results of pilot works on steam treatment at Ashalchinskoye field]. Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo [Oil Industry], 2008, No. 7. pp. 47-50. (in Russian)
Khisamov R.S., Abdulmazitov R.G., Zaripov A.T., Ibatullina S.I. Etapy osvoyeniya zalezhey bituma v Respublike Tatarstan [Stages of development of bitumen deposits in the Republic of Tatarstan]. Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo [Oil Industry], 2007, No. 7. pp. 43‑46. (in Russian)
Khisamov R.S., Abdulmazitov R.G., Vladimirov A.B. Issledovaniya zavisimosti periodicheskogo kharaktera izmeneniya plastovogo davleniya ot vozdeystviya lunno-solnechnykh prilivnykh sil [Researches of dependence of seam pressure periodic change on lunisolar tidal forces effect]. Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo [Oil Industry], 2008, No. 10. pp. 52-54. (in Russian)
R.Z. Mukhametshin, Dr. Sc., Professor of Oil and Gas Geology Chair at Kazan Federal University; Professor of Lithology and Geology of Fossil Fuels Chair at Ural State Mining University
Researcher-ID: ABF-6118-2021
Scopus author ID: 6602628562
ORCID: 0000-0001-5346-7809
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.ru/citations?user=a32IW2IAAAAJ&hl=ru
4/5, Kremlin st. Kazan, 420111, Russia
E-mail: geoeng111@yandex.ru
For citation:
R.Z. Mukhametshin. Vklad R.G. Abdulmazitova v razvitiye neftyanoy promyshlennosti Tatarstana i yego nauchnoye naslediye [Contribution of R.G. Abdulmazitov to the development of Tatarstan Oil Industry and its Scientific Heritage]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(30), 2022. pp. 174-192. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2022.2.174-192. EDN ZPSNHR (in Russian)