рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
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Over the past year, hydrogen economy has become the subject of extensive discussions in Russia. The paper considers hydrogen natural occurrence, generation, commercial production technologies, and the challenges associated with drastic expansion of hydrogen applications. Hydrogen is shown to be an energy carrier rather than a direct energy source despite its widespread use. Factors contributing to the rapid growth of hydrogen economy are considered. It is demonstrated that poor efficiency of renewable energy sources coupled with substantial expenses on green energy transition leave large-scale expansion of hydrogen energy projects in serious doubt.
Key words:
hydrogen, energy economy, hydrogen economy, electrolysis, methane, energy efficiency, decarbonization, renewable energy sources, carbon dioxide
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R.Z. Sakhabutdinov, Dr.Sc., Professor, Chief Research Associate, Wellstream Treatment Department, TatNIPIneft Institute – PJSC TATNEFT
32, Musa Jalil st., Bugulma, 423236, Russian Federation
E-mail: rifkat@tatnipi.ru
For citation:
R.Z. Sakhabutdinov Perspektivy razvitija vodorodnoj jenergetiki [Prospects of hydrogen economy]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(29), 2022. pp. 91-119. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2022.1.91-119 (in Russian)