рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Methodological aspects of accounting, reporting and monitoring of anthropogenic impact in the management of environmentally friendly economic development of the Russian Federation
V.V. Potapov
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Various methodological tools and mechanisms for managing and regulating the volume of anthropogenic emissions and their absorption, developed within the framework of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, do not solve the problem of the growing anthropogenic impact on the environment.
To calculate energy efficiency, resource efficiency, and economic efficiency of technologies in the process of economic activity, there are units of measurement of their quantitative indicators, and the volume of anthropogenic impact on the environment and environmental efficiency, as well as the volume of environmental capabilities to neutralize anthropogenic impact, currently there is no single unit of measurement of their quantitative indicator. We need universal measurement tools that will allow us to manage and restore the balance disturbed by man between the biosphere and the technosphere.
Key words:
Paris Climate Agreement, greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide equivalent, assessment, carbon footprint, ecological energy and economic efficiency, balance of technosphere and biosphere
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V.V. Potapov, PhD in Economics, Coordinator of scientific community “Economic incentive mechanisms for resource-and-energy saving and human impact reduction”; Head of EVOS Center LLC, Member of RD CCI Natural Resource Management and Environmental Committee
6/4, room 2, Malaya Pirogovskaya st., Moscow, 119435, Russian Federation
E-mail: vaselich2@yandex.ru
For citation:
V.V. Potapov Metodologicheskie aspekty uchjota, otchjotnosti i monitoringa antropogennogo vozdejstvija v processe upravlenija jekologicheski chistogo jekonomicheskogo razvitija RF [Methodological aspects of accounting, reporting and monitoring of anthropogenic impact in the management of environmentally friendly economic development of the Russian Federation]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(29), 2022. pp. 61-90. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2022.1.61-90 (in Russian)