рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
System implementation for the potential drilling fund at the facilities of PJSC TATNEFT, depending on the risks
V.V. Emelyanov, B.G. Ganiev, I.R. Mukhliev, I.S. Karimov
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Production drilling in the context of the investment portfolio of any large oil and gas company is the most costly and at the same time the most profitable geological and technical activity. The success of drilling mainly depends on the approaches used and the tools used at the planning stage. In addition to the currently used modern tools for various types of modeling and simulators, it is also important to assess and rank both projects for drilling a particular area in general, and project wells, in particular, according to the criterion for assessing existing risks.
Key words:
Well interventions, drilling, risks, success, ranking
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V.V. Emelyanov, PhD, Senior Expert, JV Tatneft-Dobycha – PJSC TATNEFT
32, Neftyanikov av., Yelabuga, 423600, Russian Federation
E-mail: zgeo_pn@tatneft.ru
B.G. Ganiev, PhD, Head of Field Development Department, JV Tatneft-Dobycha – PJSC TATNEFT
75, Lenin st., Almetyevsk, 423450, Russian Federation
E-mail: ganievbg@tatneft.ru
I.R. Mukhliev, Head of Planning and Geological Drilling Support Department, JV Tatneft-Dobycha – PJSC TATNEFT
88, Telman st., Almetyevsk, 423450, Russian Federation
E-mail: MuhlievIR@tatneft.ru
I.S. Karimov, Head of Geological and Technical Activities Department, JV Tatneft-Dobycha – PJSC TATNEFT
75, Lenin st., Almetyevsk, 423450, Russian Federation
E-mail: karimovIS@tatneft.ru
For citation:
V.V. Emelyanov, B.G. Ganiev, I.R. Mukhliev, I.S. Karimov Sozdanie sistemy ranzhirovanija potencial'nogo fonda burenija na ob#ektah PAO «Tatneft'» v zavisimosti ot riskov [System implementation for the potential drilling fund at the facilities of PJSC TATNEFT, depending on the risks]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(29), 2022. pp. 270-281. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2022.1.270-281 (in Russian)