рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
No.4(28),2021, Part 1, Special issue
Real-time oil and gas production control and optimization technology
A.V. Arzhilovskiy, T.A. Pospelova, A.N. Kharitonov, A.V. Strekalov, D.E. Deryushev, R.R. Lopatin, D.N. Trushnikov, O.A. Loznyuk, Y.A. Arkhipov
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The development of the oil and gas companies at the present stage is directly related to their digital transformation, including the use of emerging technologies that modify business processes by replacing or supplementing a person. According to the authors’ opinion, an important component of this process, which should ensure a significant increase in the efficiency of hydrocarbon production, is the intellectualization of oil and gas fields.
To solve this problem specialists of Rosneft Oil Company proposed oil and gas production control and optimization technology (RN-TRON). The technology consider the creation of a distributed gas (gas condensate) field control system consisting of:
Automatic Field Control System (SAUP) - software and hardware complex for optimizing the operation of the entire fishery;
Distributed Control Systems (SAR) - software and hardware appliance for maintaining the well regimes specified by the SAUP;
Automatic Process Control System (APCS) providing remote control and regulation of gas production and treatment.
SAUP is physically located in the UKPG control room, SAR of wells - in the automation units of well pads.
The core of the SAUP is a fast-acting dynamic gas field digital twin, which works together with validation, auto-adaptation and optimization modules to select a reasonable optimal control scenario. The technology envisages sequential implementation of the following main functions:
Automatic validation (control) of actual incoming data and rejection of false information;
Automatic adaptation (digital twin) real-time adjustment to valid actual data;
Automatic optimization oil and gas real-time production control scenarios using the digital twin.
Target parameters set by SAUP are transmitted through APCS and are automatically supported by local automation systems, including SAR on well pads. At the same time, the SAUP works under UKPG dispatcher control, who, if necessary, can take over the operation control of individual equipment or the whole field.
Software for basic version of SAUP mathematical apparatus in stationary non-isothermal two-phase definition has been currently developed. The paper presents the approaches used in solving multiphase fluids flow distribution and thermodynamic equilibrium problem in the system "Reservoir – Wells – Gas gathering system – UKPG – Gas booster station".
Today, the basic principles and algorithms of the RN-TRON technology have been developed and achieved the first results of its application. The SAUP core basic version successful testing was carried out using the example of the onshore gas field digital twin. The results of testing are given in the article.
Key words:
gas field, gas production, digital transformation, digitalization, automatic control system, real-time control, digital twin, adaptation, validation, optimization, flow distribution task, system of nonlinear equations
T.A. Pospelova, A.V. Arzhilovskiy, A.N. Kharitonov, A.Yu. Yushkov, A.V. Strekalov R.R. Lopatin, O.A. Loznyuk, Yu.A. Arkhipov Koncepciya intellektualizacii gazovyh i gazokondensatnyh promyslov [The concept of gas and gas-condensate field intellectualization]. Neftyanoye Khozyaistvo (Oil Industry), 2019, No.11, pp.58-63 (in Russian)
T.A. Pospelova, A.N. Kharitonov, A.Yu. Yushkov, A.V. Strekalov, P.V. Yelsov, R.R. Lopatin, D.N. Trushnikov, A.F. Khabibullin Intellektual'nyj promysel i cifrovoe mestorozhdenie budushchego [Smart fields and digital oil fields of future]. Neftepromyslovoye Delo (Petroleum Engineering), 2019, No.3, pp.83-91 (in Russian)
A.E. Vorobiev, H. Tcharo, K.A. Vorobiev Cifrovizaciya neftyanoj promyshlennosti: «intellektual'nyj» neftepromysel [Digitization of oil industry: smart oil field]. Vestnik Evrazijskoj Nauki (The Eurasian Scientific Journal), 2018, No.3 (in Russian)
T.A. Pospelova, A.V. Strekalov, S.M. Knyazev, A.N. Kharitonov Realizaciya cifrovyh dvojnikov dlya upravleniya gazovym promyslom [Realization of digital twins for gas reservoir management process]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya (Oil Province), No. 1(21), 2020. pp. 230-242. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2020.1.230-242 (in Russian)
A.N. Kharitonov, T.A. Pospelova, O.A. Loznyuk, Yu.A. Arkhipov, M.A. Skorobogach, A.Yu. Yushkov, A.V. Strekalov, A.S. Zavorina, V.P. Pavlov, A.L. Nazarov Metodika obosnovaniya tekhnologicheskih rezhimov gazovyh i gazokondensatnyh skvazhin s primeneniem integrirovannyh modelej. [Procedure for justifying process conditions of gas and gas condensate wells using integrated models]. Neftepromyslovoye Delo (Petroleum Engineering), 2020, No.4, pp.41-47 (in Russian)
S.M. Knyazev, A.V. Strekalov Raschet tekhnologicheskogo rezhima gazovogo promysla na osnove bystrodejstvuyushchej modeli «GasNet-VBA». [Calculation of gas-field production conditions based on GasNet-VBA quick-operating model]. Rosgeologiya. Research and Practice Conference “In search for new discoveries”. Irkutsk, 17-18 October, 2019. (in Russian)
A.V. Arzhilovskiy, Ph.D., Tyumen Petroleum Research Center
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation
E-mail: avarzhilovskiy@tnnc.rosneft.ru
T.A. Pospelova, Ph.D., Tyumen Petroleum Research Center
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation
E-mail: tapospelova@tnnc.rosneft.ru
A.N. Kharitonov, Ph.D., Tyumen Petroleum Research Center
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation
E-mail: ankharitonov@tnnc.rosneft.ru
A.V. Strekalov, Dr.Sc., Tyumen Petroleum Research Center
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation
E-mail: avstrekalov@tnnc.rosneft.ru
D.E. Deryushev, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation
E-mail: dederyushev@tnnc.rosneft.ru
R.R. Lopatin, Ph.D., Tyumen Petroleum Research Center
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation
E-mail: rrlopatin@tnnc.rosneft.ru
D.N. Trushnikov, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation
E-mail: dntrushnikov@tnnc.rosneft.ru
O.A. Loznyuk, PJSC «NK «Rosneft»
31A, Dubninskaya st., Moscow, 107045, Russian Federation
E-mail: o_loznyuk@rosneft.ru
Y.A. Arkhipov, Ph.D., PJSC «NK «Rosneft»
31A, Dubninskaya st., Moscow, 107045, Russian Federation
E-mail: y_arhipov@rosneft.ru
For citation:
A.V. Arzhilovskiy, T.A. Pospelova, A.N. Kharitonov, A.V. Strekalov, D.E. Deryushev, R.R. Lopatin, D.N. Trushnikov, O.A. Loznyuk, Y.A. Arkhipov Tehnologija regulirovanija i optimizacii neftegazodobychi v rezhime real'nogo vremeni [Real-time oil and gas production control and optimization technology]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(28), Part 1, Special issue, 2021. pp. 70-93. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2021.4.70-93 (in Russian)