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ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Efficiency of hydraulic fracturing in a Potochny fild
N.Z. Yumangullova, G.R. Ganieva, I.F. Minkhanov
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The development of most deposits is complicated by low permeability, heterogeneity and complex structure. For such fields, the introduction of technologies requires the intensification of the inflow to the bottom of the producing well. Hydraulic fracturing (is one of the most common methods of oil recovery. For the study, a problematic, heavily exploited and the main object of the Flow field – the Achimovskaya strata object-was selected: the state of development of this object was considered. The types of hydraulic fracturing used at this field were considered in the work: Hydraulic fracturing according to the "SlugFrac" technology, hydraulic fracturing with cooling of the bottom-hole zone, two-stage hydraulic fracturing, multi-stage hydraulic fracturing according to the TTS technology. As a result of the analysis of each species, it was concluded that each of the above species are effective. The hydraulic fracturing parameters were calculated. The resulting skin factor after the hydraulic fracturing became negative, which shows the effectiveness of the measures. According to the results of calculations, the debit will increase by 2.8 times.
Key words:
Potochnoe field, Achimovskaya strata object, proppant, flow rate, analysis of field development, development efficiency, intensification of inflow, method of increasing oil recovery, hydraulic fracturing, calculation of hydraulic fracturing parameters
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N.Z. Yumangullova, Student, department of development and operation of hard-to-recover hydrocarbon deposits, Kazan Federal University, Institute of geology and oil and gas technologies
4/5, Kremlin st. Kazan, 420111, Russia
E-mail: ymangullova@mail.ru
G.R. Ganieva, Associate professor, сandidate of technical sciences, department of development and operation of hard-to-recover hydrocarbon deposits, Kazan Federal University, Institute of geology and oil and gas technologies
4/5, Kremlin st. Kazan, 420111, Russia
E-mail: gguzelrafikovna@mail.ru
I.F. Minkhanov, Assistant, department of development and operation of hard-to-recover hydrocarbon deposits, Kazan Federal University, Institute of geology and oil and gas technologies
4/5, Kremlin st. Kazan, 420111, Russia
E-mail: minkhanov@mail.ru
For citation:
N.Z. Yumangullova, G.R. Ganieva, I.F. Minkhanov Jeffektivnost' provedenija gidrorazryva plasta na Potochnom mestorozhdenii [Efficiency of hydraulic fracturing in a Potochny fild]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(27), 2021. pp. 95-111. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2021.3.95-111 (in Russian)