рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Possibility of using wellhead pressure build-up to determine the reservoir properties
M.V. Zuev
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As a result of limiting the possibility of carrying out hydrodynamic studies with downhole pressure gauges, it becomes necessary to carry out wellhead pressure gauges, which often leads to distortion of the actual results.
It was necessary to work out in more detail the factors that influence the reasons for the error of wellhead measurements when recording the pressure build-up curve, which, as a result, led to the need to assess the range of uncertainties and identify the main reasons for the lack of information in connection with the adjustment of the model to the actual data.
Key words:
Pressure build-up pressure, wellhead pressure measurement
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M.V. Zuev, Chief Specialist, Tyumen Petroleum Research Center
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625002, Russian Federation
E-mail: mvzuev-tnk@tnnc.rosneft.ru
For citation:
M.V. Zuev Vozmozhnost' ispol'zovanija ust'evyh KVD dlja opredelenija fil'tracionno-emkostnyh svojstv kollektora [Possibility of using wellhead pressure build-up to determine the reservoir properties]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(27), 2021. pp. 47-56. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2021.3.47-56 (in Russian)