рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Study of the effect of nitrogen injection on oil treatment process
V.N. Kalinnikov, O.S. Sotnikov, L.N. Shakirova, R.I. Shakirov
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This paper presents the results of the laboratory study of nitrogen injection into a reservoir to increase oil recovery and considers the effects of this technology on the process of on-site oil treatment. Nitrogen injection was simulated in laboratory PVT unit. Then dehydration experiments with treated water/oil emulsion were conducted under standard conditions at different temperatures and demulsifier dosages.
Key words:
enhanced oil recovery methods, nitrogen injection technology, gas injection, oil treatment, oil dehydration, demulsification, effect on treatment
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V.N. Kalinnikov, Head of Production Processes Optimization Group, Reservoir Engineering Department, Tatneft-Dobycha, PJSC TATNEFT
75, Lenin st, Almetyevsk, 423450, Russian Federation
E-mail: kalinnikov@tatneft.ru
O.S. Sotnikov, Head of Formation Evaluation and Well Test Department, TatNIPIneft Institute – PJSC TATNEFT
32, Musa Jalil st., Bugulma, 423236, Russian Federation
E-mail: sotnikov@tatnipi.ru
L.N. Shakirova, Specialist, Oil Treatment Facilities Operation Division, Oil Treatment and Trans-fer Office, Oil and Gas Production Department, Tatneft-Dobycha, PJSC TATNEFT
75, Lenin st, Almetyevsk, 423450, Russian Federation
E-mail: shakirovaln@tatneft.ru
R.I. Shakirov, Chief Specialist for Advanced Field Development Planning, Advanced Field Development Planning Office, Field Development Department, Tatneft-Dobycha, PJSC TATNEFT
75, Lenin st, Almetyevsk, 423450, Russian Federation
E-mail: ShakirovR@tatneft.ru
For citation:
V.N. Kalinnikov, O.S. Sotnikov, L.N. Shakirova, R.I. Shakirov Issledovanie vlijanija obrabotki plastovogo fljuida azotom na process podgotovki nefti [Study of the effect of nitrogen injection on oil treatment process]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(27), 2021. pp. 141-148. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2021.3.141-148 (in Russian)