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ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Carbonate sediments of Jurassic age in Surkhandarya megasinklinal coastal zones - the most promising objects of exploration for hydrocarbon reserves of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Sh.A. Umarov, S.S. Khabibullaev, L.I. Nesterova, G.D. Avazova
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In this scientific article the authors carried out research and analysis of carbonate deposits of Jurassic age on the port zones of the Surkhandarya megasinklinal, which are the most promising objects of exploration for hydrocarbon raw materials of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
In particular, the analysis of deep drilling data at the areas of Aktash, Leilyakan, Maidan, Beshkyz, Aktau, Dasmanagh, Pakhtaabad and other facilities was considered. The analysis showed that even when wells reached depths exceeding 4,000 m, they ended up in the upper part of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic section, more often in the lowered, autochthonous parts of the overhanging zones.
Analytical work with the active use of deep drilling data and the results of other geological and geophysical works carried out at the South-Western spurs of the Gissar ridge mountains facilities, as well as a joint analysis of the available information on the geological structure of the overlying zones of the onboard parts of the Surkhandarya megasinklinal testifies to the almost mirror similarity of their geological structure. Based on the analytical factual information obtained, the following can be assumed:
within the Sherabad-Sarykamysh and Babatag overhang zones, hydrocarbon clusters have localization, concentrated mainly in areas of tectonic wedging of limestones of the upper Jurassic;
hydrocarbon deposits are presumably localized in areas prone to allochthonous faults.
The data obtained after the Geologic Exploration Works, as well as calculations after the analytical processing of actual materials, show that in most of the territory of the Surkhandarya megasinklinal, the traps of structures in Jurassic sediments are expected to be opened by deep drilling at depth intervals exceeding 5,000 m.
In the present study, the authors of the article selected the northern part of Babatag as the tectonic type of formed geological complexes, and also performed the corresponding analysis. The analysis showed that despite the significant costs, none of the deep wells was able to open saline carbonate Jurassic deposits.
Calculations show that the forecast gas reserves only within the Sherabad-Sarykamysh and Babatag supervige zones of the Surkhandarya megasinklinal amount to about 650 billion m3. This indicates large reserves of industrial reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials in the region under consideration.
The purposeful search for zones of tectonic wedging of limestones of the Upper Jurassic in the coastal territories of the Sherabad-Sarykamysh and Babatag folded zones of the Surkhandarya megasinklinal will contribute to the growth of a significant supply of oil and gas of the corresponding industrial categories.
Key words:
geological structure, hydrocarbon raw materials (HC-raw materials), oil and gas-bearing regions, carbonate deposits, Surkhandarya megasinklinal, South-Western spurs of the Gissar ridge (SZOGH), geological exploration works (GEW), deposits, deep drilling, overwater zones
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S.A. Umarov, Ph.D., Scientific secretary, Joint Stock Company «IGIRNIGM» of the State Committee for Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan
114, Shota Rustaveli st., Tashkent, 100059, Republic of Uzbekistan
E-mail: shakhumarov@gmail.com
S.S. Khabibullaev, Head of Orogenic Area Petroleum Potential Laboratory, Joint Stock Company «IGIRNIGM» of the State Committee for Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan
114, Shota Rustaveli st., Tashkent, 100059, Republic of Uzbekistan
E-mail: saidoas@yandex.com
L.I. Nesterova, Head of Sector, Joint Stock Company «IGIRNIGM» of the State Committee for Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan
114, Shota Rustaveli st., Tashkent, 100059, Republic of Uzbekistan
Е-mail: Luda_Nest@gmail.com
G.D. Avazova, Engineer, Orogenic Area Petroleum Potential Laboratory, Joint Stock Company «IGIRNIGM» of the State Committee for Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan
114, Shota Rustaveli st., Tashkent, 100059, Republic of Uzbekistan
E-mail: saidazam7@gmail.com
For citation:
Sh.A. Umarov, S.S. Khabibullaev, L.I. Nesterova, G.D. Avazova Karbonatnye otlozhenija jurskogo vozrasta na pribortovyh zonah Surhandar'inskoj megasinklinali – naibolee perspektivnye ob#ekty poiskovo-razvedochnyh rabot na uglevodorodnoe syr'jo Respubliki Uzbekistan [Carbonate sediments of Jurassic age in Surkhandarya megasinklinal coastal zones - the most promising objects of exploration for hydrocarbon reserves of the Republic of Uzbekistan]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(27), 2021. pp. 1-12. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2021.3.1-12 (in Russian)