рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Field geophysical and production tests horizontally branched wells
M.V. Zuev, V.V. Milovanova, D.R. Ibragimova
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The complexity of solving the problems of monitoring the development in multilateral horizontal wells based on the results of well logging is associated with the multiphase flow, the influence of gravitational phase redistribution along the well cross-section, different flow rates of the phases, non-monotonicity of the wellbore trajectory (the presence of ascending and descending sections in the casing), phase inhomogeneity, which occurs both along the section and along the length of the well, and with the delivery of a geophysical device into the horizontal wellbore. Under these conditions, the use of standard technologies and equipment for conducting well logging is ineffective.
The article presents the experience of conducting and interpretation of well tests on multilateral horizontal wells, and also selected a complex of well logging cases.
Key words:
oil, horizontally well, well tests
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M.V. Zuev, Chief specialist, LLC «Tyumen Petroleum Research Center»
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation
E-mail: ZuevMV@sibintek.ru
V.V. Milovanova, Specialist, LLC «Tyumen Petroleum Research Center»
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation
E-mail: vvmilovanova@tnnc.rosneft.ru
D.R. Ibragimova, Leading specialist, LLC «Tyumen Petroleum Research Center»
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation
E-mail: Dribragimova-tnk@tnnc.rosneft.ru
For citation:
M.V. Zuev, V.V. Milovanova, D.R. Ibragimova Promyslovo-geofizicheskie i gidrodinamicheskie issledovanija mnogozabojnyh gorizontal'nyh skvazhin [Field geophysical and production tests horizontally branched wells]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No.1(25), 2021. pp.55-66. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2021.1.55-66 (in Russian)