рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
On efficacy of waterflooding systems in platform-type reservoirs
E.F. Zakharova, E.V. Levanova, V.A. Sayakhov
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The problem of effective development of heterogeneous reservoirs has been increasingly more acute. The lately production decline in Russia and in the Republic of Tatarstan can be explained by maturing of the main productive assets. In Tatarstan, these are, in the first place, the Devonian productive deposits of the gigantic Romashkinskoye oil field.
Bringing into production new reserves to maintain a stable production level requires huge investments, however considering that the main source of reserves’ growth is hard-to-recover hydrocarbons, the ROI is rather low. In fact, production stabilization can be achieved, primarily, through the effective development of brown fields having the robust infrastructure.
In low-permeability formations, the effectiveness of water displacement is controlled, primarily, by two factors, that is, the extent of formation damage and the extent of solids’ production [1, 2]. In fields with dense well spacing developed by boundary waterflooding, zones with low reservoir pressure that result from low pressure communication with the injection zones can be treated as indirect signs of formation damage.
The paper presents recommendations as to how improve efficiency of water injection in the Minnibayevskaya Accumulation of the Romashkinskoye oil field characterized by low formation pressure, which include the optimal injection ratio, requirements to the quality of the injected water. Production enhancement operations customized to conditions of reservoirs developed by NGDU Almetyevneft are offered.
Key words:
injectivity, low formation pressure, production enhancement operations, formation damage, pressure communication
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E.F. Zakharova, Ph.D., associate professor, department of «Development and explotation of oil and gas fields», Almetyevsk State Oil Institute
2, Lenin st., Almetyevsk, 423450, Russian Federation
E-mail: zakharovaef@yandex.ru
E.V. Levanova, Ph.D., associate professor, department of «Development and explotation of oil and gas fields», Almetyevsk State Oil Institute
2, Lenin st., Almetyevsk, 423450, Russian Federation
E-mail: evgeniyalevanova@rambler.ru
V.A. Sayakhov, Ph.D., department of «Development and explotation of oil and gas fields»,Almetyevsk State Oil Institute
2, Lenin st., Almetyevsk, 423450, Russian Federation
E-mail: sayakhoff@mail.ru
For citation:
E.F. Zakharova, E.V. Levanova, V.A. Sayakhov K voprosu jeffektivnosti sistem zavodnenija na mestorozhdenijah platformennogo tipa [On efficacy of waterflooding systems in platform-type reservoirs]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(25), 2021. pp. 114-123. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2021.1.114-123 (in Russian)