рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Customizing TATNEFT’s horizontal drilling technology for oil production from mature Uzbekistan fields
I.N. Khakimzyanov, M.A. Yusupkhodzhaev, O.I. Khakimzyanova, R.I. Sheshdirov
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An Agreement for cooperation has been reached between PJSC TATNEFT and Uzbekneftegaz Company to produce marginal mature fields in Ferghana petroleum basin using innovative and proven EOR technologies. In order to implement clauses of the Agreement for cooperation, an option of further development of remaining oil reserves in Andizhan, West Palvantash and Palvantash fields has been considered, with selection and customization of TATNEFT’s innovative horizontal drilling techniques in terms of Uzbekistan field conditions.
Key words:
Ferghana petroleum basin, Jurassic, Cretaceous, Paleogene, and Neogene deposits, investment climate, Agreement for cooperation, mature field, horizontal technology, oil recovery increase, technology customization, oil reserve recovery
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I.N. Khakimzyanov, Dr.Sc, Engineering Manager, Project Office of Bavlinsky field production department, TatNIPIneft Institute - PJSC TATNEFT, Professor of Exploration and Development of Oil and Gas Fields, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (Oktyabrsky branch)
32, Musa Jalil st., Bugulma, 423236, Russian Federation
E-mail: khakimzyanov@tatnipi.ru
M.A. Yusupkhodzhaev, PhD, Head of Petroleum Geology and Production Department, Uzbekistan Ministry of Energy
21, Istikbol st., Tashkent, 100047, Republic of Uzbekistan
E-mail: yusuphodjaev.m@minenergy.uz
O.I. Khakimzyanova, Reservoir Engineer, Project Office of Bavlinsky field production department, TatNIPIneft Institute–PJSC TATNEFT
32, Musa Jalil st., Bugulma, 423236, Russian Federation
E-mail: kamai@tatnipi.ru
R.I. Sheshdirov, Chief expert, Project Office of Bavlinsky field production department, TatNIPIneft Institute–PJSC TATNEFT
32, Musa Jalil st., Bugulma, 423236, Russian Federation
E-mail: razrbug@tatnipi.ru
For citation:
I.N. Khakimzyanov, M.A. Yusupkhodzhaev, O.I. Khakimzyanova, R.I. Sheshdirov Adaptacija tehnologii PAO «Tatneft'» po gorizontal'nomu bureniju dlja vyrabotki zapasov nefti mestorozhdenij Respubliki Uzbekistan, nahodjashhihsja na pozdnej stadii razrabotki [Customizing TATNEFT’s horizontal drilling technology for oil production from mature Uzbekistan fields]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(25), 2021. pp. 101-113. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2021.1.101-113 (in Russian)