рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Application of permeability cube construction method with account of reservoir heterogeneity in oil fields of the Volga-Ural Region
R.Kh. Gilmanova, А.А. Makhmutov, Е.V. Kornev, Т.R. Vafin
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The paper reviews different methods for construction of permeability cube. It is demonstrated that comparison of two cubes constructed using different methods reveals substantial differences. This inconsistency stems from peculiarities of averaging (export) of well data to a three-dimensional grid. Comparison of two methods promoted the development of permeability cube construction method accounting for reservoir heterogeneity. The paper presents the results of application of permeability cube construction method with account of reservoir heterogeneity during three-dimensional geological and reservoir simulation modeling. It was found that application of the proposed permeability cube construction method on the three-dimensional geological and reservoir simulation model of the Pashian D1 reservoir in one of the fields of the Volga-Ural Region enabled determination of actual permeability variations. As opposed to previously used method, this method demonstrated a general increase in permeability by 6.1% and reduction of total number of less permeable interlayers.
Key words:
three-dimensional model, permeability, porosity, Pashian horizon
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R.Kh. Gilmanova, Dr.Sc., Professor, NPO Neftegaztekhnologiya
96/2, Revolyutsionnaya st., Ufa, 450078, Russian Federation
Email: Gilmanova_RH@npongt.ru
А.А. Makhmutov, PhD, NPO Neftegaztekhnologiya
96/2, Revolyutsionnaya st., Ufa, 450078, Russian Federation
Email: Makhmutov_AA@npongt.ru
Е.V. Korneev, LLC Bayteks
51, Leningradskaya st., Buguruslan, 461630, Russian Federation
Email: kornev22@list.ru
Т.R. Vafin, PhD, Aloil ZAO
63, Engels st., Bavly, 423930, Russian Federation
Email: vafintr@aloil16.ru
For citation:
R.Kh. Gilmanova, А.А. Makhmutov., Е.V. Kornev, Т.R. Vafin Ispol'zovanie metodiki postroenija kuba pronicaemosti s uchetom neodnorodnosti plastov na mestorozhdenijah nefti Uralo-Povolzh'ja [Application of permeability cube construction method with account of reservoir heterogeneity in oil fields of the Volga-Ural Region]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(24), 2020. pp.72-89. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2020.4.72-89 (in Russian)