рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
System aspects of combining technologies of transportation and preparation of wells products
A.K. Rozentsvaig
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Combining the technological operations of oil, gas and water treatment is an extremely fruitful method for improving the efficiency of oilfield processes. This universal approach to improving the technology of collecting, transporting and preparing well products allows you to use the internal resources of well products. It is particularly effective to combine operations for transportation and destruction of emulsions in field pipelines, which allows you to use reservoir pressure and temperature to reduce operating costs.
Combining technological operations that implement heterogeneous physical phenomena creates a number of fundamentally new and complex problems. The transition to complex processes implies the need to justify their composition and structure, which are implemented in the development of a specific oil production facility. Unlike simple homogeneous processes, combining requires a systemic approach and is limited by the possibilities of physical phenomena that are involved in each project. Along with the choice of possible elements of complex technological processes, it is necessary to coordinate the result of their interaction.
This is the most complex and non-formalizable task that requires knowledge of the specific features of the subject area and experimental research data that cannot be obtained using General methods of theoretical analysis. Coordination of mechanisms of simple physical phenomena as part of a complex process is a resource for energy saving in the destruction of commercial emulsions.
Key words:
collection of well products, oil emulsions, oil preparation, destruction of emulsions, combined technologies, interrelation of physical phenomena
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A.K. Rozentsvaig, Dr.Sc, Professor, Naberezhnye Chelny Institute, Kazan Federal University
68/19 (1/18), Prospekt Mira, Naberezhnye Chelny, 423823, Russia
E-mail: a_k_r@mail.ru
For citation:
A.K. Rozentsvaig Sistemnye aspekty sovmeshhenija tehnologij sbora transporta i podgotovki produkcii skvazhin [System aspects of combining technologies of transportation and preparation of wells products]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(24), 2020. pp.230-242. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2020.4.230-242 (in Russian)