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ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Technologies of water discharge at well pads in the fields of PJSC TATNEFT
F.R. Gubaydulin, А.N. Sudykin, О.Yu. Antonov, V.F. Stepanov
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An efficient way to reduce costs associated with production of high water cut oil is preliminary water discharge on-site at multi-well pads followed by water injection into injection wells at the same well site. This reduces consumption of energy required to pump liquid through oil gathering system and inject water in reservoir pressure maintenance system, decreases fresh and formation water use for reservoir pressure maintenance, reduces liquid loading on field gathering and transportation facilities, and minimizes adverse effects resulting from commingled production from different production zones.
Tatneft’s engineers have developed and currently implement three configurations of water discharge units. The choice between these is dictated by the amount and properties of produced water, injection water quality requirements, and availability of infrastructure facilities.
The first configuration consists of an inclined pipe with certain diameter and length, where free water is separated from crude oil and treated due to autoflotation process. Oil phase and gas return back to oil gathering system, while treated water is directed to reservoir pressure maintenance system. Currently in operation are more than 20 units.
Another configuration comprises a slug catcher for removal of associated petroleum gas, two-section settling vessel for water separation and further settling, and a coalescing filter to improve the performance of water treatment process. Currently in operation is 1 unit.
The third configuration consists of a casing string with blind bottom end, wellhead fittings used to attach a pipe piece intended to maintain the oil level in the casing string, and a tubing string intended to divert treated water from the bottom portion of the casing string to pumping unit. By now, 5 units have been installed at Tatneft’s fields.
Key words:
high water cut production stream, water discharge at the well pad, unit configurations
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F.R. Gubaydulin, PhD, Head of Department for Evaluation and Treatment of Oil, Gas, and Water, TatNIPIneft Institute – PJSC TATNEFT
32, Musa Jalil st., Bugulma, 423236, Russian Federation
E-mail: gfr@tatnipi.ru
A.N. Sudykin, PhD, Senior Research Associate, TatNIPIneft Institute – PJSC TATNEFT
32, Musa Jalil st., Bugulma, 423236, Russian Federation
E-mail: sudykin@tatnipi.ru
O.Yu. Antonov, Lead Engineer, TatNIPIneft Institute – PJSC TATNEFT
32, Musa Jalil st., Bugulma, 423236, Russian Federation
E-mail: antonovoy@tatnipi.ru
V.F. Stepanov, Lead Engineer, Research Associate, TatNIPIneft Institute – PJSC TATNEFT
32, Musa Jalil st., Bugulma, 423236, Russian Federation
E-mail: stepanovvf@tatnipi.ru
For citation:
F.R. Gubaydulin, А.N. Sudykin, О.Yu. Antonov, V.F. Stepanov Tehnologii kustovogo sbrosa vody na mestorozhdenijah PAO «Tatneft'» [Technologies of water discharge at well pads in the fields of PJSC TATNEFT]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(24), 2020. pp.217-229. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2020.4.217-229 (in Russian)