рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Influence of link injection wells on the efficiency of the Tyumen formation development system at the fields of Rosneft oil company
D.V. Dikalov, D.P. Patrakov, Y.A. Plitkina, M.A. Gladkikh, D.V. Nikiforov, F.Y. Leskin, A.V. Zharkov, I.V. Sudeev
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The tyumen formation is a low-permeability object with a complex geology. The reaction of production wells to the RPM system in such conditions is less pronounced than in traditional reservoirs. In connection, the question often arises about the efficiency of drilling additional injection wells in an in-line development system (link wells).
As part of the work, a sector of hydrodynamic model was created. Model calculations were made for performed to assess the effect of drilling nodal injection wells. In addition, without those stagnant zones are formed, the reserves of which are not developed.
A method for assessing the feasibility of drilling nodal directional injection wells using a hydrodynamic model is proposed.
Key words:
Jurassic sediments, Tyumen Formation, hard-to-recover oil reserves, low-permeability reservoir, horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing (horizontal wells with multistage hydraulic fracturing), the efficiency of the RPM system, link wells, assessing the effectiveness of drilling link wells, the effectiveness of the development system, Rosneft Oil Company
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D.V. Dikalov, the head of the group, LLC «Tyumen Petroleum Research Center»
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation
E-mail: DVDikalov@tnnc.rosneft.ru
D.P. Patrakov, Head of Department, LLC «Tyumen Petroleum Research Center»
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation
E-mail: DPPatrakov@tnnc.rosneft.ru
Y.A. Plitkina, Head of Department, LLC «Tyumen Petroleum Research Center»
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation
E-mail: yaplitkina@tnnc.rosneft.ru
M.A. Gladkikh, the head of the group, LLC «Tyumen Petroleum Research Center»
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation
E-mail: magladkikh@tnnc.rosneft.ru
D.V. Nikiforov, Chief Specialist, LLC «Tyumen Petroleum Research Center»
79/1, Osipenko st., Tyumen, 625000, Russian Federation
E-mail: dvnikiforov2@tnnc.rosneft.ru
F.Y. Leskin, Head of Department, JSC «RN-Nyaganneftegaz»
10/1, Sibirskaya st., Nyagan, 628183, Russian Federation
E-mail: FYLeskin@nng.rosneft.ru
A.V. Zharkov, Head of Department, JSC «RN-Nyaganneftegaz»
10/1, Sibirskaya st., Nyagan, 628183, Russian Federation
E-mail: AVZharkov@nng.rosneft.ru)
I.V. Sudeev, Manager, PJSC «NK «Rosneft»
26/1, Sofiyskaya embankment, Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation
E-mail: i_sudeev@rosneft.ru
For citation:
D.V. Dikalov, D.P. Patrakov, Y.A. Plitkina, M.A. Gladkikh, D.V. Nikiforov, F.Y. Leskin, A.V. Zharkov, I.V. Sudeev Vlijanie uzlovyh nagnetatel'nyh skvazhin na jeffektivnost' sistemy razrabotki Tjumenskoj svity na mestorozhdenijah PAO «NK «Rosneft'» [Influence of link injection wells on the efficiency of the Tyumen formation development system at the fields of Rosneft oil company]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(24), 2020. pp.149-162. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2020.4.149-162 (in Russian)