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Neftyanaya Provintsiya


Investigating the feasibility of real-time pressure management in multilayered oil reservoirs based on maintaining the stability of producing gas-oil ratio of each production zone

О.V. Davydova, L.G. Rakhmaev, Yu.А. Gutorov



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The paper discusses the challenges associated with the operation of complex and expensive telemetry equipment intended to control and manage production from a multi-layered field using dual completion technology. Wireless and wired telemetry systems are disadvantageous in that the former fail to provide remote control at long distances and the latter lack the required reliability. Thus, the authors come up with a new method for real-time monitoring and management of reservoir pressure based on measurements of current gas-oil ratio of the wellstream produced from each production zone using dual completion system for production and maintenance of relative stability of gas-oil ratios through real-time pressure management using dual completion system for injection. It is proposed that commercially available AGZU-OZNA measuring units equipped with appropriate sensors be used for measurements.

Field trials of the proposed reservoir pressure management method in two-layer reservoir of the Tedynskoye field operated by OOO Lukoil-Severneftegaz and in a multi-layered field of OOO Sheshmaoil proved its efficiency and became a rationale for development of the corresponding procedural guidelines and for patent application.

Key words:

dual completion system for production, dual completion system for injection, reservoir pressure, saturation pressure, current gas-oil ratio, relative pressure differential



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  7. Rakhmaev L.G., Gutorov Yu.A., Davydova O.V. RF Patent No. 2726664. Sposob razrabotki neftyanoy mnogoplastovoy zalezhi [Method for development of multi-layered oil reservoir]. No. 2019136504: appl. 14.11.2019, publ. 15.07.2020; Patent holder – PJSC TATNEFT – URL: (reference date 17.07.2020). (in Russian)


O.V. Davydova, PhD student, Oktyabrsky Branch of Ufa State Petroleum Technical University

54A, Devonskaya st., Oktyabrsky, 452607, Russian Federation



L.G. Rakhmaev, Chief Specialist, Tatneft-Dobycha, PJSC TATNEFT

24, Neftyanikov st., Aznakaevo, 423330, Russian Federation



Yu.A. Gutorov, Dr.Sc, Head of Research and Analysis in Fuel and Energy Complex, Regional R&D center Neftyanaya Dolina, member of RANS

21, Severnaya st., Oktyabrsky, 452600, Russian Federation


For citation:


О.V. Davydova, L.G. Rakhmaev, Yu.А. Gutorov Issledovanie vozmozhnosti operativnogo upravlenija plastovym davleniem mnogoplastovoj zalezhi nefti na osnove obespechenija stabilizacii tekushhego gazovogo faktora produkcii, dobyvaemoj iz kazhdogo plasta [Investigating the feasibility of real-time pressure management in multilayered oil reservoirs based on maintaining the stability of producing gas-oil ratio of each production zone]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(23), 2020. pp.139-152. DOI (in Russian)

Key words
For citation

   © О.V. Davydova, L.G. Rakhmaev, Yu.А. Gutorov, 2020

       This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (

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