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Neftyanaya Provintsiya Journal



S.A. Krasnoperova



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The problem of increasing the quality of oil raw materials by neutralizing or removing hydrogen sulfide and mercaptans from oil in the process of oil production, recovery and refining is considered. In recent years, there has been an increase in these chemical compounds in most oil fields that are in the final stages of development. These chemical compounds have a sharp unpleasant odor, cause corrosion of the equipment and significantly increase the cost of oil due to the difficulty of processing it, and also require additional measures due to their corrosiveness. Therefore, the removal of sulfur and its derivatives is one of the most relevant tasks in the extraction, collection and preparation of oil.  To improve the indicators of the oil quality, the Belkamneft acceptance and acceptance point (PSP), the best method of disposal of hydrogen sulfide and light commercial liquids, is the use of chemical reagents.  In connection with this, pilot field tests (OPI) and theoretical calculations of each of the following reagents were carried out: PSV 3402 grade A, Desulfon-SNPCH-1100, Gastrit K131M grade A. It was revealed that these reagents comply with the technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union (TR EAEU 045/2017) and TU 20.59.59-002-74033386-2007. Their initial dosage has been established to reduce the content of sulfur-containing compounds.

Key words:

hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans, oil, deposits, hydrogen sulfide absorber (neutralizer)



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S.A. Krasnoperova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Oil and Gas Geology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt state University"
1/4, Universitetskaya st., Izhevsk, 426034, Russian Federation


For citation:


S.A. Krasnoperova Opytno-promyslovye ispytanija serovodoroda i merkaptanov na PSP «Belkamneft'» [Experimental testings of the hydrogen's sulfide and mercaptanes's absorber at the Belkamneft check-in point]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(22), 2020. pp.117-130. DOI (in Russian)

Key words
For citation

   © S.A. Krasnoperova, 2020

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