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Neftyanaya Provintsiya



E.N. Ayupova, A.I. Garaishin



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At the current stage of development of geological science and computer technologies, it is possible to integrate all available geological, geophysical and field information and its integrated analysis using digital three-dimensional modeling of the geological structure of the field. Currently, there are many software packages that are convenient for modeling, but the issues of methodology and technology for building models remain a very difficult engineering task. Geological modeling covers all aspects of the field study: from a conceptual view of the field structure to a detailed correlation of the petrophysical properties of the productive strata. It reproduces with a high degree of detail all the features of the geological structure of the development object and its interaction with the systems of production and injection wells. The structure of the main three-dimensional grid shows the conceptual and structural features of the formation occurrence.

The geological model should not narrowly focus on any particular problem, whether it is the calculation of reserves or the basis for hydrodynamic modeling of the field development process. Correctly and with reliable detail, the constructed model can solve any of the proposed tasks to a certain extent. On the basis of the model, you can conduct a full mapping of the object under study, that is, build up maps of the roof, sole of effective and saturated thicknesses. Based on the obtained 2D maps or on the original 3D parameters, it is possible to conduct an estimated inventory calculation using the volumetric method. The latter in combination with the model can become the basis of the development project.

Key words:

source rocks, reservoir, the heterogeneity of the formations, terrigenous rocks, structural - tectonic model



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E.N. Ayupova, Senior Lecturer of the Chair «Geology, search and exploration of oil and gas fields» Ufa State Petroleum Technologiсal University

1, Kosmonavtov st., Ufa, 450062, Russian Federation



A.I. Garaishin, Master Student of MGL-21-19-01 Group of the Chair «Geology, search and exploration of oil and gas fields» Ufa State Petroleum Technologiсal University

1, Kosmonavtov st., Ufa, 450062, Russian Federation


For citation:


E.N. Ayupova, A.I. Garaishin Analiz neodnorodnostej plastov terrigennogo devona na osnove strukturno – tektonicheskoj modeli [Analysis of the inhomogeneity of the terrigenous devon structures based on the structural - tectonic model]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(22), 2020. pp.1-17. DOI (in Russian)

Key words
For citation

   © E.N. Ayupova, A.I. Garaishin, 2020

       This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (

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