рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
A.A. Singurov, S.A. Melnikov, V.I. Nifantov, E.V. Melnikova, V.M. Pischukhin, O.V. Makarev
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In conditions of abnormally low reservoir pressures (ALRP), when the bottom-hole pressure of the fluids pumped into the well is significantly higher than the reservoir pressure in the intervals of highly permeable rocks, various complications arise in the technological processes of drilling and well repair. Due to the absorption of washing fluids, violations of the stability of the well bore and other complications, the quality and cost of the work performed is reduced.
At the same time, it is not always possible to reduce the repression on the bottom-hole zone of the reservoir to the required values. In the article, based on the analysis of a large experience of drilling and repair of gas wells in the conditions of anpd, the conditions of the state of the well-formation system at different values of the anomaly coefficient of low reservoir pressure ( ) are shown. It is established that the value of relative repression on the formation increases by hyperbolic dependence when decreases from 0.85 to 0.061.
Key words:
process fluids, gas-liquid systems, gas wells, abnormally low reservoir pressures, opening of a productive reservoir, well repair
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16 Nametkina St., Moscow, 117420, Russian Federation
E-mail: Alexander.Singurov@sakhalinenergy.ru.
S.A. Melnikov, PhD (Geology and Mineralogy), Deputy Head of Well Construction and Workover Center, Limited Liability Company «Research Institute of Natural Gas and Gas Technologies -Gazprom VNIIGAZ» (LLC «Gazprom VNIIGAZ»)
Proektiruemyj proezd 5537, 15, 1, Razvilka, s.p. Razvilkovskoe, Leninsky dist., Moscow region, 142717, Russian Federation
E-mail: v_pischukhin@vniigaz.gazprom.ru
E.V. Melnikova, researcher at the laboratory of design and analysis of gas condensate and oil and gas fields development at the field development Center, Limited Liability Company «Research Institute of Natural Gas and Gas Technologies -Gazprom VNIIGAZ» (LLC «Gazprom VNIIGAZ»)
Proektiruemyj proezd 5537, 15, 1, Razvilka, s.p. Razvilkovskoe, Leninsky dist., Moscow region, 142717, Russian Federation
E-mail: v_pischukhin@vniigaz.gazprom.ru
V.I. Nifantov, DSc (Engineering), Chief researcher of the underground gas storage Center, doctor of technical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences in the section of oil and gas, Limited Liability Company «Research Institute of Natural Gas and Gas Technologies -Gazprom VNIIGAZ» (LLC «Gazprom VNIIGAZ»)
Proektiruemyj proezd 5537, 15, 1, Razvilka, s.p. Razvilkovskoe, Leninsky dist., Moscow region, 142717, Russian Federation
E-mail: v_pischukhin@vniigaz.gazprom.ru
V.M. Pischukhin, PhD (candidate of technical sciences), a leading researcher at the Department of experimental research experimental center, candidate of technical Sciences, academician of the international Academy of Sciences of applied radioelecronics, corresponding Member of the Academy of natural Sciences in the section of oil and gas, Limited Liability Company «Research Institute of Natural Gas and Gas Technologies -Gazprom VNIIGAZ» (LLC «Gazprom VNIIGAZ»)
Proektiruemyj proezd 5537, 15, 1, Razvilka, s.p. Razvilkovskoe, Leninsky dist., Moscow region, 142717, Russian Federation
E-mail: v_pischukhin@vniigaz.gazprom.ru
O.V. Makarev, Deputy head of Directorate, Public joint-stock company «Gazprom» (PJSC «Gazprom»)
16 Nametkina St., Moscow, GSP-7, 117997, Russian Federation
E-mail: O.Makarev@adm.gazprom.ru
For citation:
A.A. Singurov, S.A. Melnikov, V.I. Nifantov, E.V. Melnikova, V.M. Pischukhin, O.V. Makarev Analiz rezul'tatov primeneniya tekhnologicheskih zhidkostej i gazozhidkostnyh sistem dlya bureniya i remonta skvazhin v usloviyah ANPD [Analysis of process fluids and gas-liquid systems application results for drilling and well repair in alrp circumstances]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(21), 2020. pp. 56-72. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2020.1.56-72 (in Russian)