рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
T.T. Ragimov
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At present, the bulk of gas production (more than 90%) of the northern fields of Russia is carried out through the development of purely gas types of deposits. Among the possible complications during the operation of wells, the formation of hydrate plugs, which clog the downhole equipment, as well as flooding of gas wells, and freezing of washing fluid in the well, is noted. The article is devoted to solving the problems of self-jamming in production wells at the final stages of development of the Urengoy field.
The decrease in flow rate and reservoir pressure worsen the conditions for the removal of fluid with mechanical impurities from the bottom of the wells. The process of water accumulation often leads to an increase in filtration resistances, to a further decrease in productivity, and ultimately to a shutdown of wells.
The paper presents operating technology of gas well operation regimes in conditions of water manifestations because of values of maximal possible gas yield supposing non-destruction of bottomhole zones of beds and equipment, and minimal gas yield supposing non-accumulation of liquid. Revealed approaches will afford to reduce number of well air-blowing operations and to rise performance of Urengoy field deposit operation.
Key words:
self-capping, gas wells, concentric elevator, exploitation, technology
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T.T. Ragimov, Post-graduate Student of the Chair «Development and operation of gas and oil and gas condensate field» Ufa State Petroleum Technical University
1, Kosmonavtov st., Ufa, 450062, Russian Federation
E-mail: ragimovugntu@list.ru
For citation:
T.T. Ragimov Tekhnologii ekspluatacii samozadavlivayushchihsya skvazhin Urengojskogo mestorozhdeniya [Approach to the selection of technology for operation of self-pressing wells Urengoy field]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(21), 2020. pp. 171-186. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2020.1.171-186 (in Russian)