рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
E.A. Borisova, S.A. Krasnoperova
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Today, the widely used traditional method of the so-called “reclamation” of oil sludge pits by covering them with sand does not solve the problem of soil contamination because this results in long-term conservation of oil and oil products without air access. Based on ecological-geochemical and plant-sociological studies, a number of measures have been proposed for oil sludge pit reclamation. These involve filling of sludge pits after oil and water have been pumped out with different materials, including sand, peat, and other soils. Application of chemical fertilizers is required for hydrocarbon oxidizing bacteria activity. The final stage of reclamation is recommended to include phytoremediation which means covering the oil sludge pit surface with peat, fertilization and setting of oil-tolerant plants. The recommended plants are a smooth brome, a red fescue, a false wheat, bulbous bluegrass, and a meadow clover. Another method of remediating oil-contaminated soils involves planting of willow cuttings, which significantly reduces cost price of planting and allows achieving the desired results more quickly than in other methods.
Key words:
oil sludge, oil sludge pit, bioremediation, phytoremediation, reclamation of oil-contaminated soil, biological reclamation
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E.A. Borisova, PhD, Assistant Professor, Institute of Civil Defense, Udmurt State University
1/4, Universitetskaya st., Izhevsk, 426034, Russian Federation
E-mail: e_borisova75@mail.ru
S.A. Krasnoperova, PhD, Assistant Professor of Oil and Gas Geology Chair, Udmurt State University
1/4, Universitetskaya st., Izhevsk, 426034, Russian Federation
E-mail: krasnoperova_sve@mail.ru
For citation:
E.A. Borisova, S.A. Krasnoperova Razrabotka predlozhenij po rekul'tivacii shlamovyh ambarov na predprijatii OAO «Surgutneftegaz» [The proposals development for recultivation of the sludge barns at the enterprise of OJSC «Surgutneftegaz»]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(20), 2019. pp. 352-367. https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2019.4.352-367 (in Russian)