рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Iktissanov V.A., Zakirov S.N.
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Recently, a growing number of papers have been published discussing the phenomenon of depleted oil deposits’ replenishment. The paper discusses the main factors causing oil migrate into a deposit and analyze the modeling study results. The discussed oil reserves’ replacement model is based on a radically new concept involving the latest achievements in physics, i.e. broadened concept of matter, nonuniformity of space, and interaction thereof. It has been shown that replacement of hydrocarbon reserves is associated with the change of dimensionality of space in a hydrocarbon reservoir in the process of production, rather than with the reservoir pressure decline. As soon as the synthesis of hydrocarbons has been completed, the dimensionality balance is restored. This trend is unmistakably characteristic of the fields, with a large portion of OOIP having been recovered. The mathematical model shows that as the recoverable reserves are depleted, the rate of hydrocarbon synthesis practically approximates the level of production. The thus formed oil production plateau can continue for an indefinite time. In view of this fact, the notion of “the final stage of development” should be considered erroneous. Some time ago Gavrilov V.P. made an assumption that oil can be classified as renewable minerals, though production after original recoverable oil in place has been extracted is rather low and does not exceed 5 % - 30 % of the peak production, on the average. The amount of oil produced during this closing long-continued stage of the field life depends on the reservoir performance in the preceding years, including production rates, the injected-produced water ratio, and many other factors. The results of the study suggest that there is a need for a paradigm shift in the concept of development of “old” fields and in basic approaches to field development (change of material balance equations, new reservoir simulators basing on oil replacement concept, new methods of oil recovery factor estimation, optimal production rates, EOR/IOR methods, reserves auditing, and others).
Key words:
field development stages, reserves replacement, oil replenishment, synthesis, hydrocarbon field, oil recovery factor, oil-bearing channels, first matter.
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Iktissanov V.A., Dr.Sc., Prof., TatNIPIneft–PJSC TATNEFT, Bugulma, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail: iktissanov@tatnipi.ru
Zakirov S.N., Dr. Sc., Prof., Chief Research Fellow in RAS Oil and Gas Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation E-mail: ezakirov@ogri.ru
For citation:
V.A. Iktissanov, S.N. Zakirov Osobennosti stadii stabil'noj dobychi dlitel'no razrabatyvaemyh neftjanyh mestorozhdenij [Characteristics of sustained-production stage of long-life oil fields]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(19), 2019. pp. 44-60. https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2019.3.44-60 (in Russian)