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Neftyanaya Provintsiya 



Denisov O.V., Nasybullin A.V.



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The article presents and summarizes the results of the research of solving issue of mutual well influence identication and detecting areas of the uncompensated production based on the analysis of production and injection volumes. The possibility of the residual oil reserves localization on the example of the 3rd block of Berezovskaya area on Romashkino field, based on the obtained proxy models is the indirect result of the conducted research. The information about the neural network algorithms being used and identification of the parameters of differential mass balances system of equations for estimating conductance in the interwell intervals is included. The flowchart of the implemented method for calculating resistance based on the introduced notion of block potential and resistance between blocks is presented, advantages and disadvantages of each of the proposed methods are indicated. The notion of the potential of the Voronoi block partitioning of the well`s bottom hole coordinates was introduced by analogy with the physical process of redistributing electrostatic potential; the ratio value of extraction/injection to the pore volume of the block is used as the potential. The sum of the absolute potentials in neighboring blocks minimizing issue is solved using the cross-entropy optimization method to identify resistances in the interwell intervals. The resulting set of resistances between blocks allows to reflect the existing structure of the fluid movement through the reservoir during the study period. The maps of the resistance between the blocks by sections of Berezovskaya area has been constructed. As a result of the maps analysis it was found that the main residual reserves are concentrated along the change boundary of the identified resistance field, and uncompensated selections partially correlate with the residual reserves by blocks.

Key words:

mutual well influence, identification algorithm, cross-entropy, proxy model, residual reserves localization.



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Denisov O.V., Deputy Head of Expert Evaluation and Methodological Support of Business Tasks Dpt., IT Centre, Business Service Center, PJSC TATNEFT, Almetyevsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail:

Nasybullin A.V., Dr.Sc,, Professor, Head of the Department for Development and Operation of Oil and Gas Fields, Almetyevsk State Oil Institute, Almetyevsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail:

For citation:

O.V. Denisov, A.V. Nasybullin Jekspress-metod lokalizacii ostatochnyh zapasov nefti na osnove proksi-modeli [The express method for residual oil reserves localization on the basis of proxy model]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(18), 2019. pp. 113-124. DOI (in Russian)

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