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Neftyanaya Provintsiya 



Osipova M.V., Sivtsev A.I.



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Sloped Oil-Water Contacts (OWC) are registered in the reservoirs at the level of Vendian-Cambrian deposits within the Nepsko-Botubinskaya Anticline (NBA) at several fields. A review of the available understanding of sloped OWC nature has been done within Srednebotuotinskoe field. Reasons leading to sloped WOC have been reviewed analytically, the author view of the OWC slope is provided from the standpoint of oil & gas generation and accumulation in the region, at SB OGCF in particular. On the basis of an historical-genetic analysis of gas & oil generation and accumulation in the region and studies of science publications, the Vendian sediments were shown to be the only possible oil sourcing sediments the generating potential of which realized in the terrigenous set of NBA. Fundamental process of sloped WOC forming with high density oil forming has been shown. High density oil level location distributions within Central block of SB OGCF were justified theoretically. Forecast of predominant oil and gas bearing capacity in the NBA was made from the standpoints of the supposed process of gas & oil generation and accumulation in the Botuobinskiy horizon, Distribution of separate fields of Nepsko-Botuobinskaya oil & gas bearing area against oil rims has been given as a confirmation. Reasonability of the following studies of high density oil level is mentioned in order to optimize the drilling support process, development monitoring and building of a verified model of the field.

Key words:

Nepsko-Botuobinskaya anticline, Botubinskiy horizon, Sloped Oil-Water Contact, a high density oil level, a historical-genetic analysis, Oil & gas bearing capacity prospectives.



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Osipova M.A., Geology manager, OOO Tyumen petroleum research center, Tyumen, Russian Federation E-mail:

Sivtsev A.I., PhD, Head Researcher of Reserve base and audit sector, OOO Taas-Yuryakh Neftegazodobycha, Senior researcher of Caustobiolith geochemistry laboratory, Institute of oil and gas issues, Lensk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russian Federation E-mail:;

For citation:

M.V. Osipova, A.I. Sivtsev Naklonnyj vodoneftjanoj kontakt v botuobinskom gorizonte srednebotuobinskogo neftegazokondensatnogo mestorozhdenija kak priznak osobennostej neftegazoobrazovanija i neftegazonakoplenija v predelah nepsko-botuobinskoj anteklizy [Tilted oil-water contact in the botuobinsky horizon of the srednebotuobinskoe oil gas condensate field as an indication of peculiarities of oil and gas formation and accummulation in nepsko-botuobinskaya anticline]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 2(18), 2019. pp. 1-24. DOI (in Russian)

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