рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Pecherin T.N., Korovin K.V.
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The article is devoted to the state of development of Achimov oil and gas complex in the territory of the Khanty–Mansiysk District, the difficulties with the involvement of Achimov deposits in the development and the reasons for the low level of oil recovery. In all, 58 Achimov facilities, containing more than 50% of the total petroleum reserves of the oil and gas complex, covered by regular development. The oil recovery coefficients of in the Achimov formations are taken in the design at a low level, which is associated with low permeability and oil saturation, hydrophilicity, therefore — the mobility of water in productive interlayers. In addition, the analysis of the results of the development of Achimov facilities showed that even the design level of oil recovery while maintaining the current state might be unattainable for most facilities. The key reason of acts is incomplete realization of the design of the Fund, since most of the Achimov objects are not drilled completely. Among other reasons are: low permeability, discontinuous geological structure, understated count of project wells (when the design takes a rare operational gridfor economic reasons) and premature watering of the extracted products, as established by the results of the analysis, are subject mainly to low-permeable stratums. As another result of the study, it should be noted that the nature of the relationship between the coverage of the reservoir by the development processes, sand content and the operational grid. Accessible to on average in the developed objects it is estimated at 0,131 shares of unit when maintaining current state and at 0,233 shares of unit at the complete realization of design fund. Low level of oil recovery demonstrate that the traditional way of development based on naphtha replacement by water in general is represented ineffective.
Key words:
Achimov thick layer, oil recovery coefficient, sand content, oil saturation, permeability
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Pecherin T.N., PhD, Autonomous Institution of Khanty–Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug — Yugra «V.I. Shpilman research and analytical Centre for the rational use of the subsoil», Tyumen, Russian Federation E-mail: korovinkv@tyuiu.ru
Korovin K.V., PhD, Federal Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education «Tyumen Industrial University», Tyumen, Russian Federation E-mail: korovinkv@tyuiu.ru
For citation:
T.N. Pecherin, K.V. Korovin Analiz osobennostej vyrabotki zapasov otlozHenij acHimovskogo neftegazonosnogo kompleksa [Analysis of features of development of stocks of deposits of the achimovsky oil-and-gas complex]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(17), 2019. pp. 62-70. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2019.1.62-70 (in Russian)