рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Yeremin N.А., Bogatkina Yu.G., Lyndin V.N.
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The paper considers general principles of integrated assessment of natural hydrocarbons in petroleum investment projects. It is demonstrated that analysis of costeffectiveness of petroleum investment projects entails estimation of the main economic performance indicators for various scenarios; selection of the best scenario to ensure maximization of the project’s net present value from probably complete extraction of oil reserves with identification of funding sources. Evaluation of available scenarios in multistaged design of field development projects should be risk-oriented to account for risk effects on efficiency and reliability of engineering and economic decisions under particular conditions of oil and gas production operations. Of great current interest is that reviewed approaches have been included into industry-related automated system allowing for multiscenario estimates of cost/performance indices in petroleum investment projects inclusive of risk factors.
Key words:
economic assessment, petroleum investment project, economic and mathematical method, design solutions.
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Yeremin N.A., Dr.Sc., Professor, Senior Research Associate, Analytical Center for Technological Forecasting in Oil and Gas Industry, Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation E-mail: ermn@mail.ru
Bogatkina Yu.G., PhD, Leading Research Associate, Analytical Center for Technological Forecasting in Oil and Gas Industry, Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation E-mail: ubgt@mail.ru
Lyndin V.N., PhD, Assistant Professor, Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russian Federation E-mail: vlyndin@mail.ru
For citation:
N.А. Yeremin, Yu.G. Bogatkina, V.N. Lyndin Osnovnye principy metodologii kompleksnoj ocenki zapasov uglevodorodov v neftegazovyh investicionnyh proektah [General principles of integrated hydrocarbon reserves assessment in petroleum investment projects]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(17), 2019. pp. 31-50. DOI https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2019.1.31-50 (in Russian)