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Neftyanaya Provintsiya 



Agzamov F.A., Belousov А.О.



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Numerical, experimental and field studies have been conducted to determine parameters describing stress-strain performance of cement sheath required for prevention of cement structural integrity failures due to dynamic and shock loads. Estimation of cement sheath strength required to resist dynamic loads and experimental study data indicate that adequate annulus integrity should be provided before any well intervention. Analysis of field data has demonstrated that cement bond integrity failures due to hydraulic fracturing treatments are not infrequent, resulting in losses of reservoir fluids through cross-flows along the cement sheath. Experimental studies confirmed adverse impact of thermal corrosion on Portland cement sheath cured at temperatures of about 100 0С. Particularly, poor strength performance (compression, bending, tensile strength, and shock resistance), increased brittleness and circumferential stresses inside cement are observed. Ultimately, this translates into reduction of oil-well cement sheath resistance to dynamic loads. On the basis of research findings, parameters required for evaluation of cement sheath stress-strain performance are proposed.

Key words:

Cement sheath, support load, bending strength, compression strength, shock resistance.



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Agzamov F.A., Dr.Sc, Professor, Oil and Gas Well Drilling Department, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation E-mail:

Belousov A.O., KogalymNIPIneft, LUKOIL-Engineering Company in Tyumen, Kogalym, Russian Federation E-mail:

For citation:

F.A. Agzamov, А.О. Belousov Obosnovanie metodiki ocenki opasnyh naprjazhenij v tele cementnogo kamnja pri provedenii tehnologicheskih operacij v skvazhine [Substantiation of procedure for evaluation of critical stresses acting on cement sheath during well interventions]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(16), 2018. pp. 225-239. (in Russian)

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