рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Garifov K.M., Kadyrov A.Kh., Glukhoded A.V., Rakhmanov I.N., Archibasov P.S., Ismagilov F.Z., Lyubetskiy S.V.
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This work presents a pumping unit for tubingless well operation developed by research engineers of TatNIPIneft – PJSC TATNEFT. The wellstream is lifted through the production string. The electrical subsurface centrifugal pump is used for pumping. The technology for tubingless well operation using ESP was originally used in Well No. 38031 by LeninogorskNeft NGDU. At the wellhead, a logging hoist for tripping of electric submersible pump and automatic winder for winding of ESP feeding cable are installed. A hoisting crane is used to install nipple and ESP. The assembled pumping unit is run in hole on a wireline and is set on a packer. Among the advantages of the new technology are saving expenses on well servicing, replacement and repair of tubing strings, reduced risk of cable damage while tripping. All these result in OPEX reduction. Because of water cut reduction oil production is increased. Economic performance of the oil production process is also improved.
Key words:
tubingless well operation, logging hoist, hoisting crane, wireline, cost reduction, decrease of water cut.
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Garifov K.M., Dr.Sc., Head of Well Operation and Workover Department, TatNIPIneft–PJSC TATNEFT, Bugulma, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail: garifov@tatnipi.ru
Kadyrov A.Kh., PhD, Head of Laboratory, Well Operation and Workover Department, TatNIPIneft–PJSC TATNEFT, Bugulma, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail: kadirov@tatnipi.ru
Glukhoded A.V., Head of Artificial Lift Sector, Well Operation and Workover Department, TatNIPIneft–PJSC TATNEFT, Bugulma, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail: glukhodedav@tatnipi.ru
Rakhmanov I.N., PhD, Head of Sector, Well Operation and Workover Department, TatNIPIneft–PJSC TATNEFT, Bugulma, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail: rahmanov@tatnipi.ru
Archibasov P.S., Engineer, Well Operation and Workover Department, TatNIPIneft–PJSC TATNEFT, Bugulma, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail: aps@tatnipi.ru
Ismagilov F.Z., Head of Workover and EOR Department, PJSC TATNEFT, Almetyevsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail: ismagilovfz@tatneft.ru
Lyubetskiy S.V., Chief Engineer – First Deputy Head of Operations, Well Servicing Department, PJSC TATNEFT, Almetyevsk, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail: Lyubetskiy@tatneft.ru
For citation:
K.M. Garifov, A.Kh. Kadyrov, A.V. Glukhoded, I.N. Rakhmanov, P.S. Archibasov, F.Z. Ismagilov, S.V. Ustanovka jelektrocentrobezhnogo nasosa s pod#jomom produkcii po jekspluatacionnoj kolonne [Electrical submersible centrifugal pump for lifting of wellstream through production string]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(16), 2018. pp. 212-224. https://doi.org/10.25689/np.2018.4.212-224 (in Russian)