рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Nabiev M.S., Mingazova L.R., Mingazov R.R., Bashkirtseva N.Yu.
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Matrix acidizing technology is based on the acid ability to dissolve oilbearing carbonate rocks. This method provides increase or restoration of rock permeability in the near-wellbore area. Permeability is increased through removal of skin damage caused by plugging of pores during drilling and production operations. Acid treatments result in enlargement of constricted pore channels, thus providing improved permeability. Degree of production enhancement depends on the wellbore damage and reservoir pressure. Operational benefit is usually observed for several months after treatment. Use of hydrochloric acid during acidizing results in significant metal corrosion and hydrogen-induced and chloride-induced delayed cracking of tubing strings. This paper discusses formulation of acid corrosion inhibitors and studies the inhibiting properties of these mixtures. Surfactants were used as the base of the inhibiting systems, including alkyltrimethylammonium chloride and alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chloride. Hexamethyleneamine and potassium iodide were used as modifying agents in corrosion inhibitors. Maximum inhibiting effect is 95.4% when using potassium iodide and 89.7% when using hexamethyleneamine. VNPP-2V was used as a model inhibitor having maximum inhibiting effect of 94% at 93oC.
Key words:
well, acidizing, corrosion, corrosion inhibitor, surfactants
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Nabiev M.S., Master, Oil and Gas Processing Technologies Department, Kazan National Research Technical University, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail: aminkhon.260595@yandex.ru
Mingazova L.R., Master, Oil and Gas Processing Technologies Department, Kazan National Research Technical University, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail: li-lifat@mail.ru
Mingazov R.R., PhD, Assistant Professor, Oil and Gas Processing Technologies Department, Kazan National Research Technical University, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail: rifat18@mail.ru
Bashkirtseva N.Yu., Dr.Sc, Professor, Dean of Petroleum and Petrochemistry, Head of Oil and Gas Processing Technologies Department, Kazan National Research Technical University, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation E-mail: bashkircevan@bk.ru
For citation:
M.S. Nabiev, L.R. Mingazova, R.R. Mingazov, N.Yu. Bashkirtseva Razrabotka kompozicionnyh ingibitorov kislotnoj korrozii [Formulation of acid corrosion inhibitors]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 4(16), 2018. pp. 186-195. https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2018.4.186-195 (in Russian)