рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Platitsyn I.E., Tokunova E.F.
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High quality of cementing jobs is a challenging issue today. One of the reasons for poor cementing quality is cement contraction resulting in a number of adverse effects. These include influx of reservoir fluids from the surrounding rock due to de-aeration of pore system in set cement; dehydration of clay mud residues on impermeable rock and casing walls; setting of cement in tubing-casing annulus or against an impermeable rock can result in cement shrinkage, which in turn entails channeling across the set cement, and so on. Contraction is decrease of bulk volume of material in chemical or physical processes. This paper analyses contraction and its types, studies contraction behavior, degree of contraction over time, discusses current contraction control methods and a new efficient method to eliminate or minimize contraction. The paper analyzes two types of contraction, molecular and physical. The proposed new method is based on volume filling with gas liberated during cement setting. A number of additives have been selected to control cement contraction, and the primary agent is a gas-yielding aluminum powder. Aluminum powder can uniformly propagate over the total volume and release oxygen in alkaline environment. Rate of oxygen release is much higher than rate of contraction. Moreover, oxygen evolution starts immediately, yet oxygen is required some time later to control contraction, when the process of cement slurry thickening starts in the annulus. Hence, some additives have been selected in theoretical and practical terms to retard oxygen release and to provide the required incubation interval for the aluminum powder. Synergetic effect obtained during additives selection and research tests delivered the desired results.
Key words:
contraction, negative contraction, adsorption, gas-yielding additive, cement slurry, hydration, cement
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Platitsyn I.E., Master’s Degree student, OOO NF RN Bureniye, Nefteyugansk, Tyumen Region, KhMAD-Yugra, Russia E-mail: ivanplatitsyn@mail.ru
Tokunova E.F., Senior Lecturer in Oil and Gas Well Drilling, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia E-mail: 420934@mail.ru
For citation:
I.E. Platitsyn, E.F. Tokunova Povyshenie kachestva cementirovanija skvazhin snizheniem kontrakcii cementnogo rastvora [Improved quality of cementing jobs through reduced contraction of cement]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(15), 2018. pp. 96-105. https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2018.3.96-105 (in Russian)