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Neftyanaya Provintsiya 



Bekbaev A.A., Agzamov F.A., Komleva S.F.



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Despite the wide application in the well construction, lightweight materials cannot provide the required quality of the well cementing. It happens due to the fact that the most common method of obtaining lightweight cement is to increase the initial water content of solutions (watercement ratio – W/C), leading to deterioration of the basic properties of the cement slurry and the resulting cement stone. The use of expanding cements containing additives, which are increased in volume when interacting with water, increases the adhesion of the cement stone to the confining surfaces, but in lightweight cement the efficiency of the expanding additive is significantly reduced. The addition of the reinforcing additives into a lightweight cement increases the effectiveness of expanding additives, improves the impact resistance of the resulting stone and improves the sealing of the annular space. The research was carried out on modern instruments, according to the API standards (American Petroleum Institute), ISO 10426 and GOST 1581-96. As lightweight additives were applied: glass microspheres - 30 μm in diameter, alumina-silicate hollow microspheres with a diameter of 50-300 μm, foam glass with a particle size of 200-500 μm. As an expanding additive - DR50, based on oxide expansion. Increasing the W/C always lowers the coefficient of linear expansion (LEC). Fiber of any type has a reinforcing effect on the expansion of the cement stone, the best results were obtained with the addition of polypropylene fiber. The use of foam glass showed the best values of LEC compared to other lightweight additives. The best results in assessing impact resistance were obtained with the addition of basalt fiber. The use of various reinforcing additives to a cement has an impact on the stability of the cement stone to dynamic loads. Moreover, the addition of any type of fiber in an amount of up to 0.5% does not adversely affect the mobility of cement slurries.

Key words:

cement slurry, fiber, basalt fiber, microsphere, expansion, linear expansion coefficient, well construction.


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Agzamov F.A., Dr.Sc, Professor, Oil and Gas Well Drilling Department, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia E-mail:

Komleva S.F., PhD, Associate Professor, Oil and Gas Well Drilling Department, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia E-mail:

Bekbaev A.A., PhD student of Oil and Gas Well Drilling Department, Ufa State Petroleum Technical University, Ufa, Bashkortostan, Russia E-mail:

For citation:

A.A. Bekbaev, F.A. Agzamov, S.F. Komleva Dispersnoe armirovanie oblegchennyh cementov [Fiber-reinforced lightweight cement]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 3(15), 2018. pp. 127-141. (in Russian)

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