рецензируемое научное издание сетевого распространения
ISSN 2412-8910 (Online)

Neftyanaya Provintsiya
Gutorov U.A., Gabdrakhimov V.E., Gabdrakhmanova K.F., Izmailova G.R., Akhmadiev R.N.
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The paper discusses possibility of converting low-temperature geothermal energy (max 45-50oC) to electric energy. This problem attracts interest since there are a lot of wells (over 300,000) with depth up to 2000 m in the Volga-Ural region drilled to produce unconventional oil, which requires unreasonably high energy consumption. Modern innovative fuel cells can be a source of relatively cheap energy, as well as generate sufficient amount of thermal energy to heat producing formations and wellbore fluids that are lifted to the surface. Application of these fuel cells opens far-reaching possibilities for significant energy savings for marginal wells when producing unconventional reserves from relatively shallow reservoirs (less than 2000 m) with lowtemperature geothermal energy.
Key words:
geothermal energy, fuel cells, unconventional reserves, ESP, separator, binary heat-exchange loop, compressor, heat exchanger, condenser, electric steam generator
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Gutorov U.A., Dr.Sc, Head of Research and Analysis in Fuel and Energy Complex, Regional R&D center Neftyanaya Dolina, member of RANS, Oktyabrsky, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation E-mail: gutorov70@mail.ru
Gabdrakhmanova K.F., PhD, Assistant Professor in Information Technologies, Mathematics and Science, Ufa State Oil Technical University – Oktyabrsky Branch, Oktyabrsky, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation E-mail: klara47@mail.ru.
Izmailova G.R., PhD, Assistant Professor in Information Technologies, Mathematics and Science, Ufa State Oil Technical University – Oktyabrsky Branch, Oktyabrsky, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation E-mail: klara47@mail.ru.
Akhmadiev R.N., PhD, Director, OOO Tekhnopromservis, Oktyabrsky, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation E-mail: klimotechnika@mail.ru
Gabdrakhimov V.E., Master, Regional R&D center Neftyanaya Dolina, Oktyabrsky, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation E-mail: vity_valera@mail.ru
For citation:
U.A. Gutorov, V.E. Gabdrakhimov, K.F. Gabdrakhmanova, G.R. Izmailova, R.N. Akhmadiev K voprosu o vozmozhnosti utilizcii nizkotemperaturnoj geotermal'noj jenergii dlja ejo preobrazovanija v jelektricheskuju [Potential of converting low-temperature geothermal energy to electric energy]. Neftyanaya Provintsiya, No. 1(13), 2018. pp. 108-114. https://doi.org/10.25689/NP.2018.1.108-114 (in Russian)